Hawar news agency plan ANHA 2-8-2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 2-8-2024
8 February 2024   02:00

She broke all restrictions and fought with the free will of a woman aspiring to write history and glory. The occupied land of Afrin was her destination, and she obtained martyrdom as she carried out a commando operation against the soldiers of the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries in the village of Basla in occupied Afrin. (Video and photos attached)

After Operation Basala, launched by the Afrin Liberation Forces, the Turkish occupation army tried to rid its occupying members, but the HRE responded to these attempts by launching a second operation targeting their bases.

The people of the border villages in the Tirbe Sipi district of Al-Jazira canton emphasized the resistance approach to confront the Turkish occupation attacks against their areas, and explained: “No force will be able to keep us away from our land.” (Attached with video and photos)

The Director of the Media Center of the People's Protection Units (YPG) unveiled the coordination mechanism that existed between ISIS mercenary cells inside and outside Al-Hol camp, the importance of eliminating some of its leaders, arresting others and those who agreed with them, and the extent of its impact on the security and stability of NE, Syria Syria. (Video and photos attached)

The Martyrs' Families Council in Derik district is organizing a meeting to denounce the international conspiracy against Commander Abdullah, at the closed Corniche Stadium in Derik, at 10:00 (photos and video attached)

The Young Women's Union is organizing a dialogue symposium on the international conspiracy that targeted Leader Abdullah Ocalan, at the Culture and Art Center in the Ad-Darbasiyah district at 10:00, (photos and video attached).

The Youth and Sports Committee in the city of Al-Hasakah is organizing a dialogue symposium on the international conspiracy against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, entitled (In the spirit of the revolutionary people’s war, we will destroy the Imrali Wall), at Al-Khabour Restaurant in Al-Hasakah, at 10:00, (photos and video attached).

The Community Protection Forces are organizing a lecture regarding the international conspiracy against Commander Abdullah, in the hall of the Cultural Center in the Tel Hamis district, at 11:00 (photos and video attached).

The Council of the Zenobia Women's Assembly in Manbij canton is organizing a lecture on the international conspiracy against the leader Abdullah Ocalan in the Muhammad Manla Ghazil Library hall in the city center, at 11:00 (video and photos attached).

The Teachers’ Coordination in the School Committee in the Jal Agha district is organizing a lecture regarding the international conspiracy against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, in the hall of the Cultural Center in the district, at 11:00 (photos and video attached)

The Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement is organizing a dialogue symposium under the slogan “Freedom for the Leader” in the municipal hall in the Al-Shaddadi district, at 12:00, (photos and video attached).

The Democratic Society Organizations will hold a lecture under the title “February 15, the international conspiracy against Leader Abdullah Ocalan from a legal and psychological perspective,” at the Culture and Art Center in Manbij, at 1:30 (video and photos attached).

The Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement in Raqqa canton is organizing a demonstration denouncing the international conspiracy against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, at 17:30 (attached with video and photos).