End of “Humanitarian and Security” operation in Al-Hol camp

The General Command of the Internal Security Forces confirmed the end of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation, which blocked the way for ISIS mercenaries’ plans to organize themselves strongly and control Al-Hol camp and its surroundings, killing the cell official, arresting the spreaders of Takfiri thought and issuing death fatwas.

End of “Humanitarian and Security” operation in Al-Hol camp
6 February 2024   12:07

The announcement of the end of the third phase of the operation came during a statement by the General Command of the Internal Security Forces in NE Syria, which was read a while ago within the camp, that reads:

"First, we extend our condolences to our martyrs, “Rabah Al-Ahmad, Yamen Shaddad, Muhammad Al-Saeed, and Abdul Salam Al-Ahmad,” and all our other martyrs, who were an important part of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation within Al-Hol camp, where they were struck by the brutal Turkish occupation, that targeted them via a drone while they were on a mission to secure essential needs to complete the “Humanitarian and Security” operation in the camp.

Based on our security, moral and humanitarian duties towards the camp residents, and in view of the information we obtained through the confessions of some cell members who were arrested about the work of ISIS sleeper cells, and their attempts to organize themselves and benefit from the preoccupation of the military and security forces in confronting the attacks of the Turkish occupation and Subversive cells linked to the Syrian regime; Our forces, the Internal Security Forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces, led by the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), and with the support and assistance of the International Coalition forces, launched the third phase of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation on January 27 of last year.

The operation began at a high pace and according to the plan drawn up for it. All sectors of the camp were combed and searched, and many explosive devices and materials were found, including mines, explosive devices, tunnels and explosive belts, and dozens of members of terrorist cells and their collaborators were arrested.

The size and quantities of weapons, ammunition, explosive belts, explosives, and hand-made mines are clear evidence of the work of ISIS terrorist cells to prepare for major operations within the camp and attempt to control it. It also shows the importance of the timing of launching the third phase of this security operation.

During the operation, our forces were also able to reach the terrorist called “Abu Sufyan al-Lahibi,” the prince responsible for the cells within the camp and its surroundings, who was coordinating terrorist operations inside and outside the camp. He was also coordinating between the cells and planning for them to carry out their attacks inside and outside the camp, Our forces were able to kill him, along with a member of his, after determining his hiding place.

In response to its pioneering role in the campaign, the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) were able to free the kidnapped Yazidi woman, “Kovan Edo Khorto,” from the clutches of the terrorist organization, as she had been kidnapped ten years ago during the organization’s brutal attack on her village, “Hardan,” in “Shengal,” in the Kurdistan region of Iraq in August 2014.

The extremist thought and takfiri ideology on which the terrorist organization ISIS feeds is still present within the camp, and is being promoted and implanted in the minds of children in a systematic manner, with the aim of creating a new generation of the terrorist organization ISIS to continue this terrorist approach that threatens the world, Accordingly; Everyone who spreads this extremist and Takfiri thought was arrested, most notably the so-called “first Shari’a in Al-Hol camp,” nicknamed “Abi Abdul Hamid,” who was directly responsible for spreading Takfiri thought and issuing death fatwas and threats against the camp’s residents.

Our forces completed their tasks and responsibilities in this operation, which lasted 10 days, with discipline, sensitivity and great wisdom, and took into account all the humanitarian conditions in the camp, for the success of the operation and the removal of danger from civilians. The operation forces established a safe site to shelter the residents during the clearance operations, and despite the camp administration’s request to the non-governmental organizations to provide them with sufficient tents to temporarily shelter the residents during the operation, it did not fulfill its role and did not provide the camp with appropriate capabilities to alleviate the suffering of the residents, as it was clear that there was not sufficient support from non-governmental organizations.

The low level of international interest and fulfillment of its responsibilities towards this dangerous and escalating file, especially the international organizations and institutions concerned, makes resolving this dilemma extremely difficult and leaves the AANES and its security and military institutions alone to bear all the burdens related to preventing the growing terrorist threat in Al-Hol camp and reducing the brutality of the terrorist operations that It is carried out by terrorist organization cells against the camp residents.

The “Humanitarian and Security” operation paved the way for the plans of the terrorist organization “ISIS” to organize itself strongly and take control of Al-Hol camp and its surroundings, so that it could carry out terrorist operations within the camp and its surroundings. Providing a safe and stable environment in Al-Hol camp is a major goal for us, and returning ISIS families to their countries is a matter of utmost importance, and getting rid of the terrorist ideology of ISIS will make Al-Hol camp and Syria safe, and will also make the entire world safe from its terrorism and evils.

The third phase of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation to clear Al-Hol camp has ended, but our operations and clearing campaigns will not stop until ISIS leaves forever, as we will continue precise and focused operations whenever necessary.

The following is the outcome of the third phase of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation inside Al-Hol camp:

The number of terrorist members and their collaborators arrested: 85 mercenaries.

- Confiscated weapons: 8 Kalashnikovs - 4 mines - 2 explosive belts - 7 hand grenades - 25 detonators - 1 RPG shell - a quantity of ammunition and military supplies - a quantity of narcotic substances."
