Damascus: Normalization with Turkey conditional on its withdrawal

The Damascus government's foreign ministry considered that the policies of the Turkish occupation state had harmed Syria, and that the return of normal relations with it was conditional on the withdrawal of its forces from the country.

Damascus: Normalization with Turkey conditional on its withdrawal
13 July 2024   19:38

Today, the Damascus Government Foreign Ministry issued a statement regarding the rapprochement of the Turkish occupation state with the Damascus government and said that it distinguishes between peoples on the one hand and the policies and practices of governments that have harmed Syria and its countries on the other hand, as proven by facts and events.

The statement indicated that the Damascus government supports the initiatives to correct the relationship between it and the Turkish occupation state, and that it believes that the result of these initiatives is not a media goal, but rather a purposeful path based on existing facts, and built on specific principles that govern the relationship between the two states, the basis of which is respect for sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.

The statement added, "Any initiative in this regard requires that it be built on clear foundations, to ensure reaching the desired results represented by the return of relations between the two countries to their normal state, and at the forefront of those foundations is the withdrawal of forces present illegally from Syrian territory."

Recently, the head of the Turkish occupation state appeared in the media on an almost daily basis, in which he called for the restoration of relations between his government and the Damascus government, without announcing that his government accepted that it would withdraw its forces from Syria, which is what the Damascus government requires for the return of relations with Ankara.

T/ Satt.