Cautious calm follows gunfire exchange in Al-Suwayda 

The city of Al-Suwayda witnessed an exchange of gunfire between an armed group and police officers affiliated with the Damascus government forces. A cautious calm now prevails over the city.

Cautious calm follows gunfire exchange in Al-Suwayda 
14 July 2024   12:25

A local source from Al-Suwayda reported that an armed group targeted the police command building affiliated with the Damascus government forces in the city center with an RPG. Another source mentioned it was a hand grenade, which led to an exchange of fire between the group members and the police officers, with no information on casualties.

The source added that a cautious calm prevails over the city after the exchange of fire between the armed group and the police officers affiliated with the Damascus government forces, and the tension it caused.

For about a year, Al-Suwayda has been witnessing continuous daily protests, which started due to the deteriorating economic situation and evolved, due to neglect, into demands for freedom, "overthrowing the regime," releasing detainees, and implementing international resolutions.
