Bahdinan people rise up against Turkish occupation

The people of the Bahdinan region in S. Kurdistan rose up against the movements of the Turkish occupation army, and closed the road linking the cities of Amadiyah and Shiladzi.

Bahdinan people rise up against Turkish occupation
10 July 2024   15:09

Today, the people of the Bahdinan region in S. Kurdistan closed the road linking the cities of Amadiye and Shiladzi, in the face of the Turkish occupation state movements, which is bringing in forces to occupy the region.

The Turkish occupation army continues its expansion and occupation in S. Kurdistan, as in the past hours, Turkish armored vehicles headed towards the village of Sarkil, affiliated with Amidiya district in Dohuk Governorate. This move comes with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which facilitated the path to this occupation.

The KDP forces are seeking to empty the Bahdinan region of its residents, in preparation for the landing of the Turkish occupation army there, and have tried to violently disperse the ongoing protests there.
