AANES demands declaration of August-3 extermination day of Yazidi community

In a statement, the Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region called for declaring the third of August the International Day of Extermination of the Yazidi Community in Shengal, S. Kurdistan.

AANES demands declaration of August-3 extermination day of Yazidi community
3 August 2024   11:45

Today, the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria issued a written statement to public opinion, on the occasion of the anniversary of the massacre committed by ISIS mercenaries in Shengal, which falls on 3 August.

The text of the statement reads:

"Today marks the 10 anniversary of the massacre committed against our Yazidi people in Shengal, on this third black day of August 2014, ISIS mercenaries launched a fierce attack on the Shengal district and its villages, using all kinds of weapons and equipment against our defenseless Yazidi people, all of which happened with the support of the Turkish state and the inaction of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Thus, ISIS occupied the Shengal district, displaced thousands of its sons and pursued others to the tops of the mountains to meet their fate with inevitable death of thirst and starvation, in addition to the kidnapping and rape of more than 5 thousand Yazidi women and children and then selling them in slave markets in the cities of Raqqa, Mosul and many other cities.

Let us not forget the leading role of the YPG and the YPJ in opening a safe passage for the survival and liberation of the remaining Yazidi people.

The main aim of this massacre was to eliminate an entire people and remove it from existence, and to exterminate its culture and civilization and desecrate the sanctities of this people, which has been subjected throughout its long history to the harshest types of injustice and persecution and committed more than 74 massacres against it, and despite the horror of the tragedy, our brave Yazidi people were able to heal their wounds and overcome their pain in order to avenge their sons and daughters. In a short period of time, they were able to organize their ranks, formed the Shengal Resistance Units (YPŞ) in order to liberate the entire Shengal from ISIS mercenaries, and then formed the Shengal Civil Council in order to organize the affairs of the people of Shengal and manage themselves.

We in the Democratic AANES commemorate this painful anniversary, condemn this heinous massacre and strongly condemn the violence, oppression, rape, trafficking and other inhumane practices inflicted on our Yazidi people by ISIS mercenaries, which are contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and Human Rights.
