SDC calls to hold culprits in Hevrin Khalaf assassination accountable

The Syrian Democratic Council remembered the martyr Hevrin Khalaf and called for holding criminals accountable, international justice that does justice to the victims, and an end to the Turkish occupation of the Syrian regions.

SDC calls to hold culprits in Hevrin Khalaf assassination accountable
12 Decemberember 2023   12:22

Syrian Democratic Council issued a statement commemorating the martyr Hevrin Khalaf on the fourth anniversary of her martyrdom, which stated at the beginning:

Today, October 12, marks the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the leader, Hevrin Khalaf, Secretary-General of the Future Syria Party and member of the Presidential Council of SDC, along with her car driver and companion, by terrorist factions loyal to the Turkish occupation, during the Turkish invasion of the cities of Ras al-Ain, and Tal Abyad (Girê Spi), in the fall of 2019.”

The statement affirmed, “The crime of field execution against politician Hevrin Khalaf and her companions in broad daylight is classified as a war crime in violation of international humanitarian law, and despite the inclusion of the Ahrar al-Sharqiya faction and its leader, Ahmed Hassan Fayyad al-Hayes (Hatem Abu Shakra), who personally supervised the field execution process, on the lists.” American sanctions, but justice has not yet reached them.”

The statement continued, "We in the Syrian Democratic Council call for expanding sanctions to include all criminals and for international justice that does justice to the victims and holds the criminals accountable. We also look towards a broader international interest in ending the Turkish occupation of the Syrian regions and removing the terrorist factions loyal to it, and forming an international investigation committee into the crimes committed, and compensating those affected, Bringing all criminals and human rights violators to the courts and justice.

At the same time, we call on the international community and the active and influential countries in the Syrian file to deter Turkey and hold it accountable for the crimes it is committing against the people of northern and eastern Syria and their infrastructure, as Turkey has not stopped its crimes since its occupation of Afrin in the spring of 2018, and its targeting of all aspects of life in the region, the latest of which was targeting Vital facilities, energy, water, grain centres, schools and hospitals, leaving many martyrs and wounded.”

T/ Satt.