Arbitrary arrests; unknown fate face Syrians in Damascus government areas

Damascus government forces continue their arbitrary arrests against civilians in areas under their control, as they arbitrarily arrested 13 people, without knowing the charges against them.

Arbitrary arrests; unknown fate face Syrians in Damascus government areas
3 Decemberember 2023   11:09

A joint patrol, including members of the Military and Air Intelligence Division, State Security, and the security of the Fourth Division of the Damascus government forces, launched a massive arrest campaign in the Al-Shamiya region, located within its areas of control in Deir ez-Zor, in addition to the cities of Al-Quria and Al-Mayadeen in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, according to what the Syrian Observatory reported.

SOHR reported that the campaign resulted in the arbitrary arrest of 13 people, without knowing the charges against them, and they were taken to an unknown destination.

Damascus government forces continue to launch a massive arrest campaign against civilians in the city of Deir ez-Zor and its neighbourhoods, amid an unknown fate pursuing everyone who was arrested during the previous periods.

The city of Deir ez-Zor is witnessing a widespread state of chaos and security chaos, without these parties doing anything about the violations and crimes to which civilians are exposed.

Yesterday, Monday, members of the National Defense Forces of the Damascus government kidnapped a 23-year-old young man in the Al-Joura neighborhood in the city of Deir ez-Zor. The officers then threw the young man from the fourth floor due to the young man’s resistance to prevent them from stealing his mobile phone, causing his death immediately.

On September 23, the Syrian Observatory monitored that Damascus government forces arbitrarily arrested 3 civilians on Al-Wadi Street in the city of Deir ez-Zor, due to their refusal to pay financial fees to its patrol members. They also confiscated a number of vegetable stands and consumables in the same neighborhood. They were taken to a security center, without knowing their fate.

T/ Satt.