HPG unveils  killing 7 Turkish occupation soldiers

The People's Defense Forces HPG confirmed the killing of 7 Turkish occupation soldiers, during a series of specific operations carried out against the Turkish occupation army in the Mediya Defense areas in Southern Kurdistan.

HPG unveils  killing 7 Turkish occupation soldiers
1 Decemberember 2023   10:06

Media Center of the HPG issued a statement to public opinion, confirming the killing of 7 Turkish occupation soldiers, which stated:

Turkish occupation army attacks with banned explosives and chemical gases:

* On September 29, at 09:00 and 14:00, the Turkish occupation army bombed the war trenches in the resistance square in Jarjel Hill in the Matina area 3 times with chemical gases and once with a drone loaded with explosives.

* On September 30, at 08:35, 11:10, 11:15, and 11:30, the occupation army bombed the war trenches in the resistance square on Amadiya Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, 5 times with drones loaded with explosives.

At 17:30, the occupation army bombed the war trenches in the resistance square in Amadiyah Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, 9 times with prohibited explosives.

Turkish occupation army attacks:

* On September 30, Turkish warplanes bombed the vicinity of the Zi River once, 3 times the Lulan River Square in the Khakurk District, once the Kanisarki Square in the Gari District, once the Resistance Square in Jarjel Hill in the Matina District, and once the Resistance Square in Bahar Hill. In the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap.

The areas of Zap, the Shahid Dalil area west of Zap, Khakurk and Matina were bombarded with artillery.

T/ Satt.