AANES offers its deepest condolences to Iraqi people for the victims of Mosul fire

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria sent a message of condolence to the Iraqi government and people on the death of the victims of the fire that broke out in a wedding hall in the city of Mosul.

AANES offers its deepest condolences to Iraqi people for the victims of Mosul fire
27 September 2023   11:25

The text of the condolence message read:

In a tragic tragedy and coinciding with great pain, the peoples of the region are exposed to natural disasters, including what happened in Libya and Morocco, we heard the news of the fire that occurred in a wedding hall in Mosul, with the death of more than a hundred people and the injury of hundreds.

At a time when we express our deep sorrow for what happened, we extend our sincere condolences to the Iraqi people, government and people, and to the families of the victims, and we share this tragedy and pain with them. We also wish a speedy recovery for the wounded, and we hope that our people in Iraq will overcome this ordeal, who have suffered many difficulties, and this is one of his tragedies, along with our wishes for the Iraqi people and peoples in general security and stability."

T/ Satt.