Turkish occupation transfers 3 prisoners from occupied Girê Spî to Turkish prisons

On Saturday, Turkish intelligence transferred 3 prisoners from one of its mercenary prisons in the occupied Girê Spî canton towards its prisons in Turkish territory.

Turkish occupation transfers 3 prisoners from occupied Girê Spî to Turkish prisons
26 August 2023   14:02

A local source from the occupied Girê Spî canton reported that Turkish intelligence transferred 3 prisoners from the Kurdish component, including a girl, from the prison of its military police mercenaries towards its prisons inside Turkey through the border gate.

According to the source, these prisoners were kidnapped by the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation a few days ago from the house of a human smuggler in the village of Al-Ali Baglia of the occupied canton called (Abu Al-Souda). They were there with the intention of crossing to Europe.

Dozens of the people of the occupied Girê Spî canton are subject to long sentences ranging from 15-25 years in Turkish prisons, in flagrant violation of international laws that prevent the trial and imprisonment of a person in the territory of another country.

T/ Satt.