HRW: IDPs in NE Syria live in miserable conditions

Human Rights Watch has warned that the assistance provided by United Nations agencies to camps and shelters in the Autonomous Administration areas is insufficient  which negatively affects their basic rights.

HRW: IDPs in NE Syria live in miserable conditions
23 August 2023   08:21

HRW said in a report that tens of thousands of displaced people in overcrowded camps and shelters in NE  Syria do not receive continuous or sufficient assistance which negatively affects their basic rights.

The organization indicated that there is an urgent need to secure shelter suitable for the weather, adequate sanitation, and adequate access to food, clean drinking water, health care and education.

The report also said that international non-governmental organizations provide limited assistance, which leads to multiple gaps that cause the collapse of health and hygiene services and shortages of basic materials during very hot and cold weather, which raises concerns about whether the current level of assistance guarantees economic and social rights for the displaced and meets global minimum standards for humanitarian aid.

“Almost four years have passed since hundreds of thousands of people fled to NE Syria in search of shelter and support after the Turkish invasion of their towns,” said Adam Coogle, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “But the lack of aid has created a critical situation.”

The organization also called on the Damascus government to immediately remove all obstacles to the delivery of aid to areas in NE Syria.
