Hawar news agency plan ANHA 1 - 8 - 2023

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 1 - 8 - 2023
31 July 2023   20:00

Opinions agree that spreading the ideas of leader Abdullah Ocalan on a wide scale is the way to empty the policies of isolation and torture that are being pursued against him, and that struggle is the only way to achieve his physical freedom. (Video and photos attached).

Since the end of the Turkish elections, the path of normalization between the Damascus government and the Turkish occupation state has witnessed a state of stagnation, in addition to the faltering of many reconciliations promoted by the head of the occupying state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, before the elections. What are the indications of that? What is the message that the Damascus government and the regional and international parties must capture?

Researcher Bradost Mitani referred to the tasks entrusted to the Kurds in the Lausanne centenary: "The Kurds have now an effective and influential role, and a weight in the international political equation. They now possess a military force that has proven itself in the fields, and they have autonomous administration. Therefore, the Kurds must work and struggle for building national unity.” (Attached with videos and photos).

The livestock project for the women's economy has achieved remarkable development, in terms of increasing the number of livestock of all kinds, and has become a source of support for the region's economy. (video and photos attached).

5 districts, 25 neighbourhoods, more than 422 villages and 3 camps suffer from thirst. As a result of the Turkish occupation state cutting off the water of Alouk station.

The daughter of a martyr and the mother of two martyrs, she devoted 36 years of her life to the continuous and tireless struggle in the service of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, and her name (Amin voluntary work) is still frequent among the popular middle class since the late eighties of the last century. (attached with videos and photos).

An Iraqi researcher considered that Turkey is building many dams for the purpose of reducing the share of Iraq and Syria, in order to be one of the means of pressure on the two countries, while pointing out that Iraq has many means of pressure to prevent this.

Under the slogan "Small Hands Draw Our Future," the activities of the second forum for future painters will start, in the hall of the Cultural Center in Tabqa, at 10:00 (with video and photos attached).