​​​​​​​Hawar News Agency Plan 7-20-2023

​​​​​​​Hawar News Agency Plan 7-20-2023
19 July 2023   20:00

The regime of torture and strict isolation against leader Abdullah Ocalan on Imrali Island is one of the main agendas of the peoples of Kurdistan and the Middle East and the democratic, revolutionary and free circles.

After 11 years have passed since the start of the revolution in NE Syria, the most prominent results of which were the Autonomous Administration and the achievement of many gains.

Kongra Star members explained that the Rojava revolution has turned into a model of the democratic nation and a model of women's freedom, and indicated that they will strengthen women's struggle. (Video and photos attached).

Berivan Khaled explained that the July 19 revolution achieved coexistence among the components of the region, and liberated the region from the most dangerous and powerful "terrorism" in the world, and confirmed that the Autonomous Administration will support the people of NE Syria and provide them with a decent life worthy of a resistant people who gave everything they possessed to live freely. (Video and photos attached).

The Turkish state did not accept the fact that ISIS was defeated in Kobani. So it opened its borders to mercenaries to commit the Kobani massacre and the Perseus massacre at the beginning of the most violent era in the war of extermination waged by the Turkish state against the Kurds, following the peace process.

The cash and payment offices in NE Syria have so far delivered the value of 11,174 invoices for the wheat crop, amid the continuation of the supply process to the receiving centers by farmers. (Video and photos attached).

Russian-Turkish relations have suffered a semi-political setback due to the fact that Turkey has taken several steps that Russia considers hostile, which raises many questions about the fate of the emerging alliance between the two parties.