General alarm must be declared to protect identity

The Culture and Art Body of Afrin region said that all Kurdish political forces must announce the general alarm and work within the framework of the revolutionary people's war, to confront the Turkish occupation attacks.

General alarm must be declared to protect identity
17 May 2021   14:26

The Turkish occupation continues launching its occupational attacks on the geography of Kurdistan, and it attacks the legitimate defense zones, amid the Guerrilla fighters' confrontation.

The Co-chair of the Leadership Body in the Kurdish Community Union, Jamil Bayik, said in a video message published on May 6, that the Guerrilla Forces are performing a historic mission to defend the Kurdish people and their gains against the attacks of the Turkish occupation army, and he called on all Kurdish people to stand by the Guerrilla and perform the tasks entrusted to them.

Dozens of members of the Culture and Art Body, the Culture and Art Movement, and members of civil institutions gathered at Berxwedan Camp's square, located in Fafin district in al-Shahba canton, and from there they made a statement, calling for the struggle against the Turkish attacks.

The statement was read by the Administrator of the Body, Romet Bakr, and it said:

"We, the Kurdish people, as a result of the Turkish state's dirty policies, have been exposed throughout history to pain and threats. Therefore, the spread of the leader Abdullah Ocalan's thought and the building of the peoples' revolution became an answer against the policy of genocide and the plans of the Turkish state."

It continued, "By their attacks, they aim to hit the gains of the Kurdish people, for example the Turkish state’s attacks on Şengal, Afrin, Serêkaniyê, and finally on the areas of Heftanin, Gara, Zap, Metina, and Avaşîn."

It added, "The Guerrilla fighters are showing resistance and heroic epics before those Turkish attacks that could not defeat the Guerrilla, and because this war is historic, all Kurdish political forces must announce the general alarm and work within the framework of the revolutionary people's war, and we in the Culture and Art Body appeal to all the Kurdish people at home and abroad and all Kurdish political forces, artists and intellectuals to unite their ranks to protect our identity."