Politicians: community organization must be strengthened to counter attacks north and eastern Syria

Politicians stressed the need to move towards international recognition of the Autonomous Administration to deter the attacks, and they made clear that the international silence regarding the attacks, stems from a common international interest to eliminate them.

Politicians: community organization must be strengthened to counter attacks north and eastern Syria
6 March 2021   05:45
Newsdesk - Ahmed Mohamed

In interviews with our agency, politicians assessed the ongoing attacks by Turkey, and the blackmail by international forces in Syria, noting that these attacks would not have occurred without international approval to strike the Autonomous Administration in North and East of Syria.

'Turkey's actions are carried out with international approval'

The co-chair of the Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party, Talal Muhammad, confirmed that every Turkish move in northern and eastern Syria needs "strict international approval."

And Mohammed added, "Turkey is determined to revive ISIS, and its goal is clear to bring the terrorist organization ISIS back to life."

The Turkish occupation did not abide by any kind of agreements and treaties signed in the Syrian issue, including the bilateral agreements concluded between "Turkey and the United States of America" ​​on the one hand, and the Russian-Turkish agreement on the other hand for a ceasefire in northern and eastern Syria since mid-October 2019, during the occupation of Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî / Tal Abyad.

Muhammad pointed out that "Turkey's attacks on the regions of northeastern Syria have not stopped since the ceasefire was announced, and this always confirms that it does not adhere to any agreement related to the ceasefire."

"The matter raises questions about the fate of the understandings between Turkey and the United States and Turkey and Russia on the other hand," he added.

Regarding Russian silence and the Damascus government, Talal Muhammad said, "Silence indicates that Russia and the regime have interests in these attacks, as the two sides seek to take advantage of them to gain time, further complicate the Syrian crisis, and put pressure on the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration and push them to make concessions in any dialogue in the future. "

'The interest of the international powers requires the continuation of the crisis in Syria'

In turn, Amal Nasr, the Syrian opposition, political activist and researcher, considered that Damascus’s silence, comes within the framework of its usual policies towards any region it opposes. "

"The new thing is that it retreated in its sovereignty over the region, and its weakness from the past in controlling its political and military decision, which is totally linked to the Russia and Iran," she added.

Amal Nasr saw that the international silence was the result of “a consensus between the major international powers in Syria, and leaving the Turkish and Iranian players to fight over their interests on Syrian soil.” She added, “This was the result that the regions of northern and eastern Syria gains, as well as the rest of other Syrian regions. Such as Daraa and the capital countryside, which witnessed acquiescence reconciliations initiated by Russia and placed its forces as regime-keeping forces, and displaced its people to Idlib, which is controlled by Turkey.

Amal Nasr pointed out that "the common interests of all in the elimination of the establishment of strong Autonomous Administration on Syrian soil are the clear reason for this silence and support for the continuation of such a situation."

For his part, Gabriel Chamoun, a leader in the Syriac Union Party and vice presidency of the Syrian Democratic Council, attributed the silence to the three agreements that the actual representatives of the Syrian people were absent from, and said, "The silence of the government of Damascus and Russia is a product of the Astana agreements and the Russian-Turkish agreements."

Despite the frequent visits of delegations from various European and American countries, these countries and their praise of the Autonomous Administration and its military forces that fought on behalf of the world, but did not initiate any step that would recognize this administration and take it as a participant in meetings and conferences.

' Administration must be recognized to deter attacks and threats'

The director of the Center for Kurdish Studies in Europe, Nawaf Khalil, said, "The international community must increase its engagement with, and recognition of, the Autonomous Administration of northern and eastern Syria, in order to limit the threats of the Syrian regime, Iran and Russia's blackmail, and the most serious and greatest threat to the existence of the Kurds and the rest of the components in northern and eastern Syria." By Turkey. "

He added, "Turkey declares clearly that all areas of the Autonomous Administration are its targets, sparing no effort to achieve its interests and endanger the entire region. Recognition and taking a clear stance will limit all of this. If there is a military operation called Solid Resolve, then there must be a position toward Turkey to be deterred. "

Khalil believes that the permanent mobilization of tens of thousands of fighters to confront Turkish threats, will reduce the role of fighting ISIS and giving it an opportunity to become active again, and said, "As we see it through almost daily criminal operations, it is natural when there is a risk that the greatest danger, which is a threat, will be confronted."

Khalil points out that in NE Syria there is no ability to confront Turkey on all fronts, and at the same time detain terrorists and limit ISIS activity, "recognition will put an end to all these dangers, otherwise the statements of the international coalition that talk about the continuation of the process of Solid Resolve are meaningless."

He pointed out that the Syrian Democratic Forces represent millions of Syrians, who deserve political support, and rebuild their regions, to achieve a balance in the continuation of operations against ISIS with rebuilding.

The director stressed that, without recognition, “the threat of ISIS, Turkey, Iran and the regime, as well as Russian blackmail, will continue, affecting millions of residents of the region, especially the hesitant and those affected by the foreign media in Tabqa, Raqqa and Deir Ezzor.”

Regarding the efforts required to repel those attacks, Khalil said, "The Autonomous Administration is primarily capable of organizing the NE Syria, providing more capabilities to millions of Syrians in its regions, rebuilding infrastructure and developing governance structures."

Khalil stressed the need to return to the popular base "to be one of the effective methods for strengthening the military fronts, strengthening tens of thousands of fighters, developing what is there, improving living conditions, and more organization will be the most effective way to support the forces in the face of the occupation."

Khalil described the great confidence that society gives to the SDF as "a very great capital" and it must be developed, and said, "The administration is seeking, but this is not enough. to be one row to develop this administration, and not to be satisfied with criticism, to be stronger in the face of any attempt to end it. "
