Manbij female fighters pledge strive and emancipation

The International Women's Day was congratulated by the Manbij Military Council female fighters sending special salutations to North Eastern Syria women affirming their course on the way to strive until all women are emancipated from the patriarchal mentality. 

Manbij female fighters pledge strive and emancipation
6 March 2021   06:02

The International Women's Day, March 8th, was initiated on the background of the working women in New York against the low payments and the long working hours.

In an interview with ANHA, Sama Renas, fighter in the Manbij Military Council, said: '' March 8th, is an international day for all women, in both civil and military arenas, that marks the day of the revolt against violence inflicted on women, demanding for more gender equality''. 

Sama added :'' it is the very day of resistance and victories for all women all over the world, and emancipation from the patriarchal mentality that was inflicted on women thousands of years''.  

''we are ready to repel to any attack on our lands, and liberate all women facing violence'', Sama concluded.

Viyan Zagros, in turn said:'' women have the right to participate in all military, political and administrative arenas, to be well informed on all developments and to do justice and equality between the two genders, women were liberated from the patriarchal mentality thanks to the democratic nation ideas, and repelled enemy firmly, and attended victory on terror that targeted women specifically''.

From her part, Emira Ahmed said :'' the March 8th, is the day commemorating the feminist victory all over the world, the day that saw the end of the authoritarian and patriarchal mentality, and proved her strength and confidence that she is able to undergo all arenas of life and to do justice and equality''.

Emira noted that it is their duty to liberate all women from enslavement and capitalism, to voice their opinions,  and to be enabled to undergo all life arenas, militarily, politically and administratively.



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