Sabri Nebo: International conspiracy against leader aims to silence free voice

The deputy co-presidency of the Girê Spî District Council indicated that the international conspiracy against the leader Abdullah Ocalan aims to imprison and silence the free voice, pointing out that the conspirators are deluded if they think that their plot succeeded because the leader's thought has spread and influenced the peoples of the world who suffer persecution by the dictatorial authorities.

Sabri Nebo: International conspiracy against leader aims to silence free voice
11 February 2021   13:08

Sabri Nebo's speech came during a public meeting held by the Girê Spî District Council in the town of al-Heysha, in Ain Issa district, days before the 22nd anniversary of the arrest of the leader Abdullah Ocalan after an international conspiracy in which several countries participated.

The meeting began with holding a minute of silence in tribute for the souls of the martyrs, after which the deputy co-presidency of Girê Spî explained the conspiracy that affected the leader Abdullah Ocalan, as he said that the capitalist countries participated in this conspiracy for fear of the spread of his thought and philosophy in their countries.

Sabri Nebo added that the ideology and philosophy of the leader Ocalan is not power nor money, but rather the elimination of the oppression practiced on his people and the peoples of the region by the capitalist and dictatorial authorities, and that it was a service to all peoples without distinction between a sect, religion, or component.

Nebo pointed out that “the capitalist countries believe that they have imprisoned and silenced the free voice by arresting the leader Abdullah Ocalan, but they are deluded because his companions were able to complete his career and spread his ideology in all countries of the world, which influenced all those who suffer marginalization and persecution at the hands of tyrannical and dictatorial governments.”|

This is the fourth meeting of its kind in al-Heysha town after a series of similar meetings held by the Council in al-Habaa of ​​Suluk region and Khirbet Hadlah of Ain Issa district and Baghdik of Jern region as a reminder of the international conspiracy hatched against the leader Ocalan. These meetings are scheduled to continue, as similar meetings will be held in the camp and Ain Issa district center.



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