Turkish Intelligence MIT is active through Syrian National Army

ISF arrested on the agent, who was recruited by Turkish Intelligence MIT and was sent to the areas of north and east of Syria, the agent confirmed in his confessions that the so-called Syrian National Army had been formed by Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra.

Turkish Intelligence MIT is active through Syrian National Army
9 August 2020   03:06

MIT deployed many agents and spies in order to hit stability and spread instability, while ISF continues to remove these cells one by one. 

Internal Security Forces in Kobani arrested Ahmed the agent of Turkish Intelligence MIT, in the name of Muhammad Haji Othman.

The agent, Muhammad Haji Othman, was born in Qubaysin region of al-Bab region, and he previously visited Turkey and southern Kurdistan, and al-Bab, Jarablus, and has lived in the city of Kobani for 6 years.

The client talked about the entirety of MIT's activities organized by the so-called Syrian National Army, which in turn was formed from the remnants of ISIS mercenaries and Jabhat al-Nusra.

MIT organizes its activities through the Syrian National Army.

The agent Muhammad Haji Othman said about the circumstances of his acquaintance with the Turkish intelligence: “I got acquainted with the Turkish intelligence through a person called Wissam Jamal Abdul Rahman. The aforementioned person was a member of ISIS mercenaries, and he is now holding a leadership position in Sultan Murad mercenaries working under the umbrella of the Syrian National Army.

Turkish intelligence organizes its activities in the regions of north and east Syria through the elements of the Syrian National Army. I am one of these officers. I receive instructions from the Turkish intelligence services via Wissam Jamal Abdul Rahman

'They promised me positions in Kobani.'

Agent Othman says that Turkish intelligence lured him with many promises, and added: “Wissam Jamal Abdul Rahman used to say that they would occupy Kobani in a short period of time, and they promised me that after the occupation of Kobani, they would give me positions for me and the rest of my family, so I accepted to work for them.”

The agent, Muhammad Haji Othman, stated that he was preparing to carry out assassinations before his arrest. He also talked about the information he gave to the Turkish intelligence "MIT": Turkish intelligence sent pictures and corridors of many military points, institutions, and hospitals of the Democratic Autonomous Administration DAA, about Members of the Syrian National Army, and MIT also sent information that I got about the Internal Security Forces. "

'My life turned into darkness'

The agent, Muhammad Haji Othman, said that he lost everything after dealing with the Turkish intelligence, he lost the promises they made to him, as well as a family and all his things, and said in this regard: "My life has turned into darkness."

The campaigns are continuing

During the past period, the Internal Security Forces in northern and eastern Syria carried out many operations and campaigns against Turkish intelligence agents, during which they were able to arrest many agents.