Sheikh of Al-Hawas clan: Cohesion is necessity among clans

The sheikh of the al-Hawas clan, Abd al-Hay Khalil al-Hamla, affirmed that clan cohesion in the current circumstances, is an inevitable necessity, indicating that northeast Syria is under attack to sow discord that depletes the members of the clans.

Sheikh of Al-Hawas clan: Cohesion is necessity among clans
8 August 2020   22:45
Al-Raqqa - Ammar Abdul Latif - Ahmed Assaf

Deir ez-Zor and Al-Raqqa have witnessed during the past few days a number of assassinations that targeted the national and clan figures, the last of which was the assassination of the sheikh of the Al-Egeidat clan in Deir ez-Zor, Mutashhar Al-Hafel. It is clear that parties cause a rift in the northeast of Syria.

In this regard, Hawar News Agency conducted an exclusive interview with the sheikh of the Al-Hawas clan, Abdul Hay Khalil al-Hamla, in which he affirmed that "cohesion in the current circumstances the region is an imperative necessity."

Sheikh al-Hamla pointed out the campaign to "the importance of realizing the size of the conspiracies with the support of foreign policies for creating sedition that strikes the Arab clans against each other in an attempt to strike the security and stability that the northeast regions of Syria enjoy."

The Sheikh stressed the campaign "the need for the sons and elders of the clans to communicate with the institutions of the Autonomous Administration of the North and East of Syria, AANES whose internal policy has restored the tribal character of the region by making room for the return of clan customs and traditions in resolving the outstanding issues between the clans."

The strife among clans work out their sons

The Sheikh stated that "Northeast Syria is targeted by policies to create caln strife that deplete the tribesmen in matters that do not rise to the size of the responsibility placed on their shoulders in the need to preserve the region's stability, security and construction to exceed the years that have passed."

During his speech, the Sheikh touched on what is happening in the Deir ez-Zor countryside, calling on clans to be aware of the plots that threatens the stability of the Arab regions in particular.

He indicated that he had made a number of contacts with clans notables to put an end to the strife that began to rage in that region after the assassination of Sheikh "Mutashar Al-Hafel", denying that the Syrian Democratic Forces had any connection with the assassinations that took place.

Sheikh Al-Hamla talked about "the long history of Arab clans in confronting all kinds of occupation, especially the French and Ottoman occupations. He stressed that they will not hesitate today to protect the unity and stability of northeast of Syria in particular and Syria in general, and emphasized the clan rejection of any sedition that occurred or will occur during the future and rejection." Categorical for any interference in the affairs of the clans and the region from outside. "

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