How do Kurdish, Arab, and Syriac politicians view understanding between Kurdish parties in Syria?

The initial Kurdish understanding in Syria created a new turning point for the rest of the region towards more close ranks and  solving the Syrian crisis.

How do Kurdish, Arab, and Syriac politicians view understanding between Kurdish parties in Syria?
23 June 2020   23:06
News Desk - Ahmed Mohamed

Syrian Kurdish political blocs and parties in northeast of Syria reached a kind of initial understanding and agreement on a unified political vision regarding the Kurdish position in Syria on the 16th of June.

The understanding came as a result of a series of direct meetings and discussions between the Kurdish National Unity Parties and the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS), following the initiative launched by the Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Mazloum Abdi, in January this year.

The first stage started with meetings between the PYD and the Kurdish National Council, and in its second stage it turned into direct meetings and discussions between the Kurdish National Unity Parties - a Kurdish political coalition of 25 parties - and the Kurdish National Council in Syria.

The efforts of the two parties culminated in reaching "a binding common political vision initial understandings, and considering the 2014 Dohuk Agreement on governance and partnership in the administration, protection and defense as a basis for continuing the ongoing dialogue and negotiations between the two delegations with a view to reaching the signing of a comprehensive agreement in the near future."

On the importance of this step, the secretary of the Kurdish Left Party in Syria, Muhammad Mussa, says that what the two parties reached is "achieving the aspirations of the Kurdish people", it is of great importance and effectiveness in the Kurdish street, stressing that this will in turn affect the rest of the components to increase the close ranks among them. .

He pointed out that the unified ranks will form a strong main base not only for the Kurdish people, but also for Arabs, Syrians and others, within the Autonomous Administration, calling on the rest of the parties to unite and confront the risks together instead of launching attacks on the Kurdish unity.

In turn, the co-chair of the Syriac Union Party in Syria, Sanhrib Barsoum, will agree with Muhammad Mussa, saying: "We in the Syriac Union Party support this kind of steps towards dialogue and understandings between the various Kurdish parties in Syria and in the region in general."

Barsoum added: "We find that the understandings that have taken place so far are positive, and they also pave the way for future dialogues and understandings that will have positive results on AA in the regions of northeast of Syria, since this will be a positive addition to the political formation in AA, as well as positive for a political solution in Syria that is based on several things, including dialogue between the Syrians themselves, which was absent, but it is the basis for a political solution in a future Syria. "

Ibrahim Al-Thalaj, member of the leadership committee in the Party of Modernity and Democracy in Syria, sees this positive understanding, describing it as "a mission of hope for the rest of the other components to close ranks and cohesion between them."

Al-THalaj confirmed that they need unity and close ranks and rapprochement. He added: "Our country is passing through a very important historical turning point, and our peoples are threatened, and only unity, rapprochement, and understanding among us will save us from this danger."

The understanding by the Kurdish political parties have raised the frustration of some political and military figures and parties affiliated with external parties, especially the so-called "Syrian coalition".

It is a Kurdish understanding to manage the regions of northeast Syria at the expense of the rest of the components, and from the visions of what I went to that the understanding is an attempt to separate the Kurds from the Syrian territories, and their efforts to establish a state.

Besides, the Kurds have been threatened by some hostile neighboring countries, such as Turkey. On June 19, its Foreign Minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, threatened the Kurdish National Council, saying: "Everyone who concludes an agreement with the YPG is their target."

In this context, Musa indicated that the understanding reached will not be at the expense of any of the Syrian political parties, or the components of the region, and he said: "In the worst conditions that we experienced, we were together and we will remain together, and what we reached is a purely Kurdish matter."

This understanding had to be achieved a long time ago. Our hand will remain in the hands of our brothers from other components to continue the political journey and our projects.

And the co-chair of the Syriac Union party, Sanhrib, Barsoum, believes that dialogue, whether at the level of political parties or the components, serves the Syrian public interest in the future.

Barsoum added: "Distorting the image of understanding aims to create divisions in the region, and to cause discord and strife between the components and in society, especially in the north and east of Syria, which is experiencing a kind of stability.  Its also aims to combat the understandings that occur and reduce such forms of understanding. We support Any kind of these understandings, and we hope that there will be greater understandings in the future. "

In the same context, politician Al-Thalaj asserts that the Kurdish rapprochement will positively affect the Arabs and Syriac, because: “In rapprochement and unity there is security and stability.  we all seek security and stability for the region.”

He added: "The Arabs must also unite among themselves to remove all sensitivity between us. We must remove such thinking, and build all of this region, and protect each other, and the characteristics of each other."

The Kurdish National Unity parties affirmed on June 22 in a statement that the recent efforts between the National Unity Parties and ENKS are nothing but support for the unity project between all components and the success of the Kurdish national unity, and contributing to building Syria for all Syrians.

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