​​​​​​​Issa calls Başûr parties to prioritize national interest over partisan disputes

A member of the Central Committee of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party, Kilo Issa, called on the parties in Başûr (south Kurdistan) to prioritize the interest of the Kurdish people over narrow partisan differences.

​​​​​​​Issa calls Başûr parties to prioritize national interest over partisan disputes
19 April 2020   03:33

Hawar news agency ANHA interviewed with Iss, who talked about recent developments Zînî wartê area in Başûr, south Kurdistan.

Zînî wartê is located between the Rania and Suran districts, Qandil mountain range, Helmot and Karox, a region considered strategic.

The forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and Kurdistan National Union are stationed in this tense region.

A member of the Central Committee of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party, Kilo Issa, called on "the ruling parties in south Kurdistan to refrain from thinking about the narrow partisan mentality, and look at the interests of the Kurdish people in the current situation, and not to resort to a policy of marginalization or imposing one-party control."

In a previous statement, the co-chair of the Kurdistan Communities Union KCK said that the position of the KDP forces in Zînî wartê area can only be explained by preparing for an attack on Qandil, and promised that the Kurdistan Democrat serves the plans of the Turkish state that seeks to ignite a war between the PKK and the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

And Issa continued, "We hope that the ruling parties there can protect the gains of the Kurdish people, and overcome the party deficiencies by moving away from the individual mentality."

"What happened is far from the interests of the Kurdish people, and it serves of party agendas and external regional states, and this is a grave mistake in this sensitive stage that the Kurdish people are going through," said Issa.

A member of the Central Committee of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party explained that partisan selfishness does not achieve democracy, and he warned that "this also creates crises between our people and we as a Kurdish people should stay away from these selfish policies, and prevent the creation of such crises, by taking measures against threats to the security of Kurdistan.

Issa emphasized that the priority is to confront the Turkish occupation state, saying, "The recent Turkish attack on Mexmûr and in the vicinity of Kurdistan in general is the priority that must be focused on, preventing and standing up to because it serves the interests of the occupied countries of Kurdistan."

Issa called on the Kurdish forces to achieve the unity of the Kurdish row "instead of seeking to achieve partisan ambitions, we must recognize each other politically, and cooperate in that and take into consideration standing in the face of threats to our people, and strive to achieve its interests and preserve its gains."

Issa emphasized that "Kurdistan does not belong to one party or one community, but rather to all the Kurdish people and components that live on the land of Kurdistan, and we have to achieve this for the Kurdish people and for our martyrs who sacrificed their lives in order to achieve these gains for the Kurdish people at the most precious price."