Girê Spî Council: Turkey takes advantage of world's preoccupation with combating Corona to expand its occupation

The Deputy Joint Presidency of Girê Spî District Council, Sabri Nebo, pointed out that Turkey is taking advantage of the world's concern to combat the Corona virus to expand its occupation areas in the region, and appealed to the international community to put pressure on Turkey to stop its attacks and bombardment on the safe areas.

Girê Spî Council: Turkey takes advantage of world's preoccupation with combating Corona to expand its occupation
19 April 2020   02:30

The talk of the Deputy Joint Presidency of Girê Spî Council, Sabri Nebo, came in a statement to Hawar news agency, as he indicated that Turkey and its arms are trying to strike the security and stability of the region and take advantage of the world's concern to fight Corona in order to expand its occupation areas in Syria.

He added: "Turkey, up to the moment and despite the repeated appeals from the United Nations and the international community to stop the fighting, have not committed. On the contrary, it continues its indiscriminate shelling of the safe areas with the intention of displacing its people in addition to its attacks on the civilians' properties in the occupied areas."

He cited as an example of what he said what the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries did days ago in Sherkrak occupied village as it demolished nearly 20 civilian homes.

He expressed his surprise at the "international silence towards the immoral practices of the Turkish occupation in the region; destroying houses and the constant shelling of the populated villages, in addition to the transfer of infected persons with the Corona virus from Turkey to the occupied areas of both Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê." He also held the international community the responsibility for the continuation of such violations against the people of the region.

At the end of his speech, Sabri Nebo appealed to the international community and the Russian "guarantor" to put pressure on Turkey to stop its practices against the areas of the Autonomous Administration because the continuation of such violations will undermine their efforts to address the Corona epidemic which the world is currently busy fighting against.

It is worth mentioning that the mercenary gangs of the Turkish occupation army continue almost daily to bomb villages in the countryside of Ain Issa and Tel Abyad al-Gharbi, targeting the civilian homes and the populated villages at a time when the entire world is busy fighting the Corona virus that has swept across most of the world.



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