Russian-Turkish contradictory statements about Erdogan-Putin phone call

Russian-Turkish statements contradicted  about the outcomes of the phone call between both of the presidents, Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart,  Reccep  Tayyab Erdogan. RT TV said that Putin expressed his concern  about the hostility actions of the terrorists in Idlib, while Erdogan demanded suspending regime's attacks.

Russian-Turkish contradictory statements about Erdogan-Putin phone call
21 February 2020   17:05
 News desk 

Kremlin's press office confirmed that the Russian President Vladimir Putin had expressed deep concern to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the actions of the extremist groups in Idlib.

"Attention has been focused on the situation in de-escalation zone in Idlib, and President Vladimir Putin has expressed deep concern about the continuation of aggression acts  by the extremist groups, and the need to respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity has been highlighted,"  Kremlin said in a statement.

The statement also added that the Russian and Syrian presidents agreed to activate the government consultations on the situation in Idlib in order to achieve reduction in the level of the terrorism, stop the firing, and put an end to the terrorist threats.

The presidency of the Turkish States said in a statement that during a telephone talk with the President Vladimir Putin, President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed the need to stop the regime attacks in Idlib and end the humanitarian crisis there.

The statement added that Erdogan made it clear during his call with Putin that the solution in Idlib depends on the complete implementation of the Sochi memorandum.

"Erdogan and Putin have confirmed their commitment to all the agreements on Idlib," the statement said,

This call comes following the failure of the three rounds of Russian-Turkish talks on the escalating in Idlib.