New restrictions imposed by Turkey on Imrali prison

Turkish authorities have banned the families of Imrali's prisoners from visiting their relatives for three months, while lawyers have reviewed the Supreme Court to challenge the decision.

New restrictions imposed by Turkey on Imrali prison
14 September 2019   10:43

A another ban has been imposed on the Imralı Prison where Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Veysi Aktaş and Hamili Yıldırım are held.

According to Mesopotamia Agency (MA), Bursa Enforcement Judgeship and Disciplinary Board introduced a three-month family visitation ban citing the “Restrictions against convicts” clause in the “Execution of Sentences and Security Measures Act No.5275”.

Lawyers from the Asrın Law Office that advocates Öcalan and other prisoners on Imralı, have learned about the new ban only after the rejection of the appeal made by families for a visit to Imralı on August 16.

Lawyers requested to be given the file in order to raise an objection, but the Judgeship responded that objection period is over for Öcalan, while the objections made by 3 other prisoners to Bursa 1st Heavy Penal Court have been rejected, and the decision became definite on August 9.

Denied the file so as to appeal against the verdict of the Bursa Enforcement Judgeship, lawyers filed an appeal to Bursa 1st Heavy Penal Court on September 4. While the court is yet to rule on the appeal, lawyers appealed to the Constitutional Court (AYM) for Aktaş, Konar and Yıldırım on September 9.

Lawyer Turgut stated that their clients have been deprived of many fundamental rights such as visitation and phone talk. Turgut noted that the content of the decisions has not been submitted to them, adding; “The files were kind of taken away from us. We had to convey many appeals to the Constitutional Court.”