Hawar news agency's daily 02-4-2019

Hawar news agency's daily 02-4-2019
2 April 2019   01:00

-Following up the Resistance of the Age in the second stage, the situation of the people who are residing in al-Shahba, and the activities that support the Resistance of the Age.

-Following up the latest developments about the attacks of the Turkish occupation army on the lands of north and east Syria, Başûr (South Kurdistan) and the lawful defense zones, and the operations of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) against the Turkish occupation army.

-Following up the combing operations carried out by the Syrian Democratic Forces in al-Bagouz after liberating it completely from Daesh mercenaries.

- As leader Ocalan birthday approaches, the Martyrs 'Families Council in the city of Kobani will plant trees and flowers at the martyrs' shrines in Kobani at 11:00. (Photo and video attachment).

- Uniting Kurdish ranks, organization and freedom of women were the main topics talked about by the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan during his meetings with the people of Rojava. (Photo and video attachment).

- He returned to Afrin to harvest the olive fruit, but he did not know that the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries would kidnap him and loot the olive oil. (Photo and video attachment).


Ahmad A'araj said, "The political aspect in Syria has reached a very complex level and the international parties and national forces must start a comprehensive, public and serious national dialogue to end the Syrian crisis, establish a road map and amend the Syrian constitution to serve the rights of all Syrian components."

"The coalition countries must show a firm stance on the Syrian territories occupied by Turkey and the Euphrates Shield mercenaries because they are corridors and ground for Daesh mercenaries," said Aisha Hasso, the co-chair of the Democratic Union Party.


Kallo was captured on August 3, 2014, separated from her family and lost contact with them at all. She was sold thrice in al-Raqqa, beaten and humiliated. She was forced to dig in trenches in al-Bagouz and was liberated by the Syrian Democratic Forces fighters at the last minute. (Photo and video attachment).


As Erdogan's government benefited from the Syrian crisis and its president, Erdogan, boasted of all the occupation, domination of the terrorist groups in Syria at the expense of the peoples of northern and eastern Syria, the countdown to the painful blows he receives has begun, from Kobani to al-Baguoz and today continued in the elections, sloping gradually downward where the free people will declare the end of the arrogance and dreams of this dictator.

Society and life

- The management of Al-Hol camp has attributed the few number of tents distributed to the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and called for the need to abandon bureaucratic procedures and speed up the allocation of tents and distribution of tents to the displaced. (Photo and video attachment).