Newrouz Association, Kongra Star present statement to UN representative in Lebanon

Newrouz Cultural and Social Association and Kongra Star in Lebanon presented a statement to the UN representative after a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Representative to denounce Turkish threats to north and east Syria and denounce Paris massacre by Turkish intelligence.

Newrouz Association, Kongra Star present statement to UN representative in Lebanon
Newrouz Association, Kongra Star present statement to UN representative in Lebanon
Newrouz Association, Kongra Star present statement to UN representative in Lebanon
10 January 2019   10:36


Newrouz Cultural and Social Association and Kongra Star held a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the UN Representation in Riad al-Soleh district. During the sit-in, they condemned the assassination of the three militants. They said "The perpetrators of Paris massacre yesterday are the occupiers of Afrin today,

The text of the statement read by a member of Kongra Star Samah Al-Ali:

"Today, in front of the UN headquarters in Beirut, we condemn and commemorate the sixth anniversary of the brutal and senseless assassination of the three activists, Sakina Jansiz, Fidan Dogan and Layla Schailmaz, who committed treachery to commit one of the most egregious political crimes in the history of humanity. The French capital of Paris, known as the center of free thought and the safe embrace of defenders of rights and freedoms, and the source of civilization and progress, but Paris turned on January 9, 2013 to the stage of the crime of the assassination of three Kurdish struggler women. It is clear that this targeting was only targeting the will of the struggling women in general and Kurdish in particular.

We, as Newrouz Cultural and Social Association and as Kongra Star Organization denounce this painful massacre in which we lost Jansiz and her companions. We remember all the victims who presented their souls in order to ignite the torch of freedom. We are all resolute and confident in following up their fair march to eliminate all kinds of oppression, which reaches the Kurdish women

The activist Sakina and in the spirit of her steel resistance, she laid the cornerstone for the struggle history of the Kurdish woman. She struggled against in the dictatorial fascist ideology of the Turkish state with the aim of building a society based on democracy and peoples' brotherhood.

We cannot but regard this crime as an extension of the international conspiracy that has plagued Kurdish thinker and activist Mr. Abdullah Ocalan. All these violations are open to all. This international silence about all violations against all international conventions and laws is a systematic continuation of the policy of denial of rights.

We are absolutely certain that the perpetrators of the Paris massacre yesterday are themselves the occupiers of the city of Afrin today. The aim is to thwart the democratic project and eliminate the unity of peoples in north-east Syria.

We appeal to human rights organizations, international amnesty, the United Nations and the European Union, and all concerned institutions to carry out their moral duty to pressure the fascist Turkish state to abandon its arbitrary destructive policies against the Kurdish people, to immediately release the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan, with political democracy ".

The statement was then handed over by members of Newrouz Cultural and Social Association to representatives of the United Nations.