Serêkaniyê clans meet to discuss Turkish threats and unify ranks 

The elders of the Arab tribes in Serêkaniyê held a meeting to discuss the Turkish threats and explain the latest developments on the political level at this stage in north and east of Syria.

Serêkaniyê clans meet to discuss Turkish threats and unify ranks 
Serêkaniyê clans meet to discuss Turkish threats and unify ranks 
Serêkaniyê clans meet to discuss Turkish threats and unify ranks 
Serêkaniyê clans meet to discuss Turkish threats and unify ranks 
10 January 2019   10:05


At the request of the elders of the Arab tribes in the city of Serêkaniyê today organized a meeting to explain the political situation and the recent Turkish threats to north and east Syria, and the need to unify the Arab tribes' word and all the peoples of the region at this stage to address the threats.

The meeting was held in Mitan Hall in the city of Serêkaniyê in the presence of dozens of Arab tribal elders and sheikhs and representatives of some political parties and Autonomous Administration in north and east Syria.

Joan Esso, the co-chair of the Democratic Union Party in al-Hasakah canton explained in his word the political situation and referred to the Syrian crisis as a part of the crisis of the Middle East and the international system whose created problems and contradictions and conflicts between peoples and components

"As we follow the events in the region and the fact that we are in north and east of Syria, we always note that the solutions put forward by the regional and international forces involved in Syrian affairs are partial and unrealistic and do not serve the societal interests of the Syrian people, so the crisis is still ongoing" he said.

"We all know that this conflict in the region is old and is an old structural crisis based on the struggle for power and influence without regard to the will of peoples and their aspirations for a free and decent life."

He added that amidst all these conflicts and chaos, the regions of north and east Syria enjoy a democratic system of administration by adopting the democratic nation's project, which is based on the will of the people in all its components, as a basis for resolving and ending the conflicts. Therefore, they face many challenges and threats. And the Turkish threats are one of them which seek to eradicate this democratic project that united the peoples of the region. "

Esso called for the need to increase solidarity among the peoples of the region to block the Turkish threats to invade north and east Syria and to reach a decentralized democratic Syria.

The meeting continued with the opening of speeches and the opening of discussion among the participants in the meeting.