Self-Defense Committee in al-Raqqa opens voluntary enrollment to 1st session

The Self-Defense Committee today issued a statement announcing the start of voluntary enrollment of the first training course for the Self-Defense Duty in al-Raqqa city and its countryside.

Self-Defense Committee in al-Raqqa opens voluntary enrollment to 1st session
10 January 2019   10:57


The text of the statement:

"Based on the moral duty towards the region and our response to the appeals of the people of the region and the elders of al-Raqqa, the Self-Defense Committee in al-Raqqa announces the opening of voluntary enrollment of the training course.

And the first voluntary session will begin on 15/1/2019 for a period not exceeding 6 months as the first session as an exceptional situation and therefore the people of al-Raqqa and its rural areas have to review the center of the Self- Defense Duty in al-Raqqa to carry out the necessary procedures in this regard, "We call all the youth in al-Raqqa to cooperate in the required manner so that they can perform their moral duty towards their region and protect it."