Law expert  :Turkey must be held to accountable by ICC

Law expert Khaled Omar has stressed that there in no legitimacy to Turkey's presence on Syrian territory which is an occupying state according to the laws and articles in force in the international community, and that "The International Court is required that Turkey must be held to accountable to stop the acts of violence and killings committed on Syrian territory.

Law expert  :Turkey must be held to accountable by ICC
1 January 2019   06:47


The Turkish state has exploited the Syrian crisis and occupied large areas of Syrian territory, starting with Jarablous, al-Bab, Azaz and Afrin, thus violating all international conventions ,the Turkish occupation practiced policies of murdering, displacement and demographic change against the territories it occupied.

The Turkish occupation is still continuing in its policies. It is striving to destroy the culture of the areas it occupied. This was evident after its occupation of Afrin canton . Most of the ruins of the canton were destroyed , such as the Citadel of Nabi Hori, Tel -Ain Dar, Tel-Janders , the Citadel of Deir Simean and the Roman Amphitheater.

Lawyer and member of the Union of Lawyers in al-Jazeera region Khalid Omar, explained that the court and the international community are called upon to put pressure Turkey to stop its occupation of Syrian territory and Turkey must be held  accountable for the violence it carried out in the areas it occupied.

"Turkey is no longer aware of the practices of Turkey and will do it later," he said. "Turkey no longer recognizes the geographical borders of neighboring countries and continues its occupation practices against the peoples of the area ."

Omar stressed that the  brutal practices practiced by the Turkish occupation in the Syrian territory are considered international crimes according to international and legal laws and articles, such as occupation, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

"The capitalists show the outside world that there are contradictions and problems between them, but the interests of all are interrelated with each other and do not care about the interests of the people ." said Khaled Omar, law experts

"There is no legitimacy for the Turkish occupation of Syrian territory," he said. "It is always a pretext to fight terrorism and its borders are at risk, these are all pretexts, arguments and Turkish fabrications."

Law expert Khaled Omar, pointed out that the international community to stop silent in front of Turkish violations against the peoples of Syria,the international society did not take any clear official position towards Turkey while supporting IS mercenaries, and then the occupation of the Syrian areas was extended, and now it launches threats to launch attacks on north and east of Syria.

The law expert Khaled Omar said at the end of his speech that the rights and international organizations that have initiated the laws to stop the Turkish threats and pressure internationally to withdraw from the Syrian territory that occupied,"The international Court must demand that Turkey must be held accountable to stop the violence and killings it has committed on Syrian soil," he said.
