Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks

Amina and her granddaughter Fatima have severely suffered from Turkish occupation brutal practices and carried with them the pain of their city and forced to emigrate, leaving parts of their bodies behind them where they will never forget what have happened to them, “Turkish occupation attacks on Afrin city would not make us accept the reality imposed on us by the enemy we will not abandon our principles.”

Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks
Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks
Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks
Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks
Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks
Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks
Both losing body parts… but would not succumb to enemy attacks
22 Decemberember 2018   05:57


The Turkish occupation army that attacked  Afrin city with the most violent weapons causing many of stories and tragedies among these stories is the story of the mother Amina Haj Rashid and her granddaughter Fatima Ibrahim.

Amina Haj Rashid, who is at 59, from Haj Khalil village belonging to Rajo area in Afrin canton, she is mother of 6 young men and one woman and grandmother of 28 grandchildren.

Amina During Turkish occupation army attacks against Afrin canton was forced to displace from Afrin, during her arrival to Jabal al-Ahlam in Basota village, I was bombed by Turkish occupation warplanes and says in this regard, "I felt nothing but I saw myself lying on the ground and all my body stained with blood and my leg and my hand was broken I had only two grandchildren and my husband who was exposed also to shrapnel. "

Amina from bombing victim to the victim of a medical error

Amina was immediately transferred by a civilian's car to Nobel city, where doctors pointed out that Amina's health was deteriorating and she had to undergo surgery. The cost of the operation was 500 ,000 SY pounds and Amina's family could not pay the money so that was transferred to a hospital in Aleppo

Amina has stayed in Aleppo hospitals for 10 consecutive days receiving treatment. During the treatment she has stayed for three months in the plaster, unable to lie on the bed, sit or walk.

While the doctors conducted the operation for her hand, a medical error happened and now she needs another operation, while this operation costs 650,000 SY pounds.

After the departure of Amina from the hospital, she headed towards to Sheikh Maksoud neighborhood with her husband and her grandchildren to complete treatment, and despite the passage of six months from her injury can only walk on the stick, and is now subject to physical sessions at the hospital Khalid Fajr in the neighborhood.

Fatima joins her grandmother Amina

After all members of the family of Amina Haj Rashid arrived to al-Shahba areas, and her granddaughter who is at 14-year Fatima Ibrahim was exposed to a landmine explosion, after which her right foot was amputated while she is still young.

Fatima soon found her grandmother in a hospital in Aleppo for treatment and an artificial footing to overcome the tragedy she was subjected to it, and she is able to walk like other persons.

Amina says :Turkish occupation attacks and its gangs continue against Afrin city, we would not accept the reality that is imposed by the enemy and will not abandon our principles."
