Idlib waiting for zero hour, continued decline of Turkish lira

Idlib is expected a launch of a military operation from the regime and Russia at a time when Turkey classified Jabhit al-Nusra on the list of terrorism after years of support. For its part, Syrian Democratic Forces complete their preparations to end the ISIS east of the Euphrates River, in Turkey, the lira continues to deteriorate.

Idlib waiting for zero hour, continued decline of Turkish lira
2 September 2018   08:35


Arab newspapers published during the week the conditions of Idlib province of and the classification of Turkey to Jabhit al-Nusra on the list of terrorism, in addition to military preparations to end the ISIS east of the Euphrates, in addition to a continuous decline in the Turkish lira, and other important topics.

Military preparations to end the existence of ISIS east of the Euphrates

The Arab press in the Syrian issue pointed out this week to the military preparations to end the existence of the ISIS east Euphrates and al-Hayat newspaper wrote "a mobile base of the alliance in preparation for the operation against the last pockets in the east of the Euphrates, "The newspaper said," Crossed sources to the «Syrian Observatory for Human Rights» that Alliance forces transferred one of its moving bases to the vicinity of Hajin area within this pocket of the organization, in preparation for the start of the military operation of the alliance forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces against the organization to end its presence in the entire east of the Euphrates River, which includes 4 towns are Hajin, al-Sousa, al-Shafa and al-Bagouz, as these preparations come after the intensification of the parties to the presence points in the vicinity of the pocket.

SDC refutes the relationship of strengthening the alliance bases in negotiations with the regime

In the context of the negotiations between the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) and the regime, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper said: "Kurdish leadership: strengthening the rules of the international alliance has nothing to do with our negotiations with the regime. The press quoted of the co-chair of the Executive Council of the Democratic Syrian Council, Ilham Ahmed that the strengthening of the international alliance, led by the United States, of its military bases in the areas of East Euphrates, has nothing to do with the negotiations between the council and the Syrian regime, she said " Military operations in the areas east of the Euphrates, "I do not think the aim is to thwart the negotiations with the regime, just as it is to ensure ISIS does not return to these areas.

Battle of Idlib at the door

Among the important topics that were dealt with this week were the preparations for the Battle of Idlib and the Middle East newspaper titled "Tripartite Arrangements for a rolling process in Idlib," adding that Damascus had sent reinforcements to North Syria to fight "Idlib Dawn". Moscow mobilizes its naval forces to provide "Syria Shield". "Ankara pressured the opposition to unite in the name of the" National Liberation Front ", which includes about 55 thousand elements, in addition to about 30 thousand factions of the opposition government "Hayat Tahrir al-Sham", which includes« Fatah al-Sham » former al-Nusra mobilized loyalists among them Hurras al-Din (1,200 members) and the "Turkistan Army" (1500 members), with about 12,000 members including 5 thousand of non-Syrians. "

After negotiating with Jabhit al-Nusra, Turkey ranks it on the terrorism list

The newspaper also referred to the file of the mercenaries of Jabhit al-Nusra, where the newspaper Al-Hayat headlined, "resolving the knot of al-Nusra avoids Idlib a broad attack and" White Helmets "urging to protect it." The sources said in the «Free Syrian Army» that «Turkey continues its efforts at several levels to convince Hayat Tahrir al- Sham (al-Nusra) previously dissolved the body of al-Nusra».

"Moscow is negotiating on humanitarian corridors in Idlib and Ankara is flirting with it to classify al-Nusra" as terrorist. The newspaper said "it was clear on Friday, the continued disparity in the handling of the file of Idlib (north-west of Syria) between Moscow, which is rushing to launch the battle and negotiate the opening of humanitarian corridors, and Ankara, which classified the" Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, al-Nusra previously as terrorist and again presented a paper «neutralizing extremists from the moderate opposition factions».

A record low for the Turkish lira

On the Turkish economy, the Turkish daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat reported that the Turkish lira fell to a record. The value of the Turkish lira fell on Friday to a record level of 6.7 lira against the US dollar. Also it takes the statements of Erdogan who said in front of his supporters in Baleq Aseer in the northwest of the country "If they have their dollars, God is with us."