1st  signs of military operation in Idlib appeared!

Russian news agencies noted that regime forces began heavy shelling with artillery and rocket launchers from the northeastern Latakia countryside on the positions of armed gangs and mercenaries in the western countryside of Idlib.

1st  signs of military operation in Idlib appeared!
29 July 2018   10:48


According to Sputnik agency, the forces of the regime stationed in al-Akrad mount in the northern Latakia countryside, began yesterday afternoon intensive shelling artillery and rocket launchers sites of armed gangs and mercenaries in Bedama and al-Najiya towns in the western countryside of Idlib.

It pointed out that the shelling extended to include Khan Sheikhoun town in the southern countryside of Idlib.

According to the newspaper, the villages of Bedama and al-Najiya "are a center for the launch of aircraft targeting al-Hameimim base which is taken by Russian forces as its headquarters in Syria.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Saturday that it had destroyed an unmanned aircraft approaching the base in which its troops are stationed.

A field source, expected that the development of the bombing in the coming days may extended to launch a large ground attack affecting the western countryside of Idlib, up to Jesr al-Shughour and Ariha.

The agency reported the deployment of the regime's forces of the military reinforcements to the south-eastern Idlib countryside and northern Hamah countryside to start a battle in Idlib.

Russia used the so-called areas of reducing escalation in cooperation with Iran and Turkey, as a policy to unify the sites controlled by militants and mercenaries, and managed to control the entire countryside of Damascus (al-Gouta) and now close to the impose control on the area of reducing the escalation in the south.