Tal Hamis people organized agriculture , livestock works

Farmers and livestock owners formed the Farmers' Union and the Livestock Union, after discussion during a meeting in Tal Hamis district.

Tal Hamis people organized agriculture , livestock works
29 July 2018   10:25


The Agriculture Committee, in coordination with the Economic Committee of Tal Hamis District Council of Qamishlo canton, organized a meeting for the people of Tal Ahmed to discuss the status and organization of agriculture and livestock in the area.

The meeting was held in Tal Ahmed Town Council, attended by dozens of farmers and livestock keepers, as well as members of the Economic Committee of Hussein al-Ahmad, Khalid Al-Hasawi, the co-chair of the Agriculture Committee Ali al-Berho and Adnan al-Azel the member of livestock.

The meeting began with holding a minute of silence. The member of the Economics Committee, Hussein al-Ahmad, explained the importance of agriculture and livestock in the region to the audience. He explained that both of these resources are a source of income for the people of the region.

Adnan al-Azel the member of livestock, highlighted the importance of the Union of livestock through the attention to livestock and its needs .

After discussion among the attendees, all agreed to form the first two unions to care about the agricultural and the second of the livestock, and on this basis, Hussein al-Ahmad explained the mechanism of the elections, and how to choose the competent people for this task.

Furthermore ,the meeting ended with the election of seven members of the Union of Farmers, including a woman, and seven members of the Livestock Union, including two woman.