Arabic women in al-Shahba denounce policies of demographic change in Afrin

A number of Arabic women in al-Shahba canton denounced the deliberate demographic change by the Turkish state in the Afrin canton calling it immoral and out of international standards.

Arabic women in al-Shahba denounce policies of demographic change in Afrin
20 April 2018   05:55


Hawar news agency(ANHA) interviwed with Arabic women talked about the attacks of the Turkish occupation on Afrin and its efforts to change the demographic region of Afrin.

Citizenship Naima Hassan denounced at the beginning of her talk the practices of the Turkish occupation and its  mercenaries to settle non-indigenous residents of Duma and Ghouta in Afrin canton 's villages.

occupation of Afrin have resorted to the theft of civilians 's properties the purpose of the attacks Afrin is not the liberation of civilians, but their goal of this policy is the displacement of the people from their areas."

Naima said at the end of her speech that the resistance of Afrin will continue and that North Syria people will resist until the last of its blood against the Turkish invasion and its mercenaries.

In turn, Citizen Yasmin Kalisharo expressed anger at the systematic demographic change by the Turkish state and its mercenaries in Afrin, and said, "This decision is arbitrary and dictatorial and reflects negatively on all components in Syria and not only on the Kurds," adding that "the practices of the Turkish occupation is immoral and out of International standards and laws ".

Yasmin stressed that they continue in the resistance against the policies of the Turkish army occupied at all costs.

For her part, Citizen Badria Walo said that "theassets of Afrin dates back thousands of years ago, and now the Turkish state to change its demography and the replacement of its Kurdish population mercenary families.

Badria stressed that this change did not occur in any era or state except by the Ottoman fascism, which seeks to impose its policy on the region.

At the end of her speech, Badria appealed to the United Nations to intervene quickly to stop the violations taking place in the Afrin district.
