Al-Tabqa women effectively participate in agriculture season, Turkey trying to spoil

Women in the countryside of al-Jarniya town north-west of al-Tabqa began to prepare the land by plowing it and spraying it with organic fertilizers in preparation for summer vegetables.

Al-Tabqa women effectively participate in agriculture season, Turkey trying to spoil
Al-Tabqa women effectively participate in agriculture season, Turkey trying to spoil
Al-Tabqa women effectively participate in agriculture season, Turkey trying to spoil
Al-Tabqa women effectively participate in agriculture season, Turkey trying to spoil
16 April 2018   05:05


This coincided with the Turkish state's continued cutting off the Euphrates River and growing fears that it will not provide sufficient irrigation water till the crops are ripe.

Rural women play basic role in agriculture, from tillage, sowing to harvesting.

After the plowing land and organizing it in rows, comes the role of women in the cultivation of land seeds or transplants and then fertilizers are sprayed, afterwards comes the stage of irrigation and waiting for the ripeness of the crops and harvesting them.

In the southern countryside of al-Taqba (al-Jazeera), planting is highly concentrated because of its proximity to the Euphrates River.

As the Turkish state continued to seize the Euphrates River, the Euphrates Lake, east of al-Jarniya town, saw its water recede to low levels, forcing the farmers to dig wells in their land to secure water for the crops, despite the high cost of drilling and groundwater.

It is worth mentioning that the Turkish state is keeping the Euphrates River through dams set up on the river in the areas under its demolition.
