People of Tal Koçer revolted in solidarity with Afrin

People of Tal Koçer revolted in solidarity with Afrin
26 March 2018   07:47

TAL KOÇER- Hundreds of residents of the Tal Koçer district today gathered in front of Hafsa al-Aomeri school and headed in a protest organized by Democratic Society Movement toward the Sook 's center and confirmed their solidarity with the people of Afrin.  Demonstrators raised flags of the People and Women's Protection Units and pictures of the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan, in addition to carrying banners reading slogans denouncing the Turkish occupation and confirming their support for Afrin.

during their arrival at the market center, the demonstrators stood for a minute of silence, followed by statement read by the co-chair of Tel Koçer District Council, Nawaf al-Khad'an, in which he said "The Turkish government wants to create chaos and war among the components of society. But they cannot. Our morals are high and we will defeat them thanks to our cohesion with each other. "

For its part, the member of Kongra Star, Zubaydah al-Ali, said that the international community bears responsibility for what happened in Afrin massacres and killings by the Turkish occupation because they did not clarify their position and did not seek to stop the machine killing of Turkish state."

Zubaydah al-Ali stressed their support for the people of Afrin and appealed to the UN Security Council to intervene and remove the Turkish occupation from Syrian territory.
The demonstration ended with slogans that salute the resistance and glorify martyrs.