Clashes of gangs forced people to go to Manbij city

On Sunday ,a number of refugees people from the areas of al-Bab, Azaz and Mara have arrived to Manbij city after the clashes that erupted in the northern countryside of Aleppo between the mercenary gangs .

 Clashes of gangs forced people to go to Manbij city
 Clashes of gangs forced people to go to Manbij city
26 March 2018   07:43

MANBIJ _ The areas in the northern countryside  of Aleppo province which dominted by the Turkish occupation army and its gangs have witnessed strong clashes in the last 2 days between the al- Hamzah brigade and Ahrar al-Sharqiya   , where the clashes spreading between the areas al –Bab ,Azaz, al-Ra i  as well as to Afrin areas .

Two days of clashes led to the number of casualties and deaths among the terrorists and civilians, which led some families to leave these areas headed to ward to Manbij city  , On Sunday evening have arrived dozens of people from the families that came out of al-Bab, Azaz  Mara searching safety .

In turn, the Social Affairs and Labor Committee in Manbij city received the refugees and secured a place to stay, and provided them with the basic necessities.

The Social Affairs and Labor Committee expects that many refugees will leave in the coming days and are going to the Manbij area, as they begin to take measures to meet the needs of the displaced as soon as they arrive.
