Elham Ahmed: Turkey through its policy is heading towards abyss , bringing risks to whole region

The co-chair of Syria's Democratic Council, Elham Ahmed, stressed that Syria's current war and destruction is caused by international and regional agreements and interests which resulted in serious negatives, especially in Afrin, pointing out that Turkey's policies and attacks on the region will push it towards the abyss.

Elham Ahmed: Turkey through its policy is heading towards abyss , bringing risks to whole region
26 March 2018   06:46

GIRÊ SIPÎ – The chair of the Syria's Democratic Council Elham Ahmed spoke in a dialogue with our agency about the impact of the agreements and relations between Russia and Turkey in Syria and the whole region and the negative consequences of the Turkish aggression on Afrin and northern Syria.
How does Russian-Turkish relations affect the region, especially after the agreement between the two sides, which opened the airspace of Turkey to hit Afrin, in addition to information on Russia's quest to join Turkey to the

Warsaw Treaty?

The Russian-Turkish agreement, which has recently taken place especially in the context of the barter process on Afrin and the eastern Ghouta, naturally has very negative effects on Syria and the region as a whole, as Turkey is one of the countries that has exacerbated the Syrian crisis and fueled the flames of war and sectarianism. Which has planted strife between the components of the Syrian people from the Kurds and Arabs and others .

If Turkey has any intention of joining the Warsaw Treaty, it means that it will withdraw from NATO, and in particular Russia has sought to attract and make concessions to Turkey to join its alliance, in order to weaken NATO in general and to encourage the removal of US forces from Syria and thus put the Syrian file under full control .
In contrast, Turkey has ambitions in Syria, it is seeking to occupy large areas of land Syria and even Iraq and to have influence in the formation of a future administration in Syria and dreams of restoring the glory of the Ottomans, so the agreement between the parties has negative repercussions and catastrophic to the region as being commensurate with the interest of the two countries at the expense of The people of Syria and its territorial integrity. The people of Afrin and al-Ghouta were the first victims of that agreement.

Turkey, a NATO member, if it joined the Warsaw treaty, how would this affect its relations with NATO and what would be the fate of Turkey if it continued to bring it closer to the Warsaw Treaty or join it?
If Turkey joins the Warsaw Treaty, it means that it will be outside the framework of NATO and the result of Turkey's exit from NATO means that it will lose the support of all European countries and America first. It is known that Western countries and America influence and dominate the entire Middle East, Some countries, but their existence is very limited, and the majority of the countries and regions of the Middle East are under the influence of the West and America, Turkey's exit from NATO means the loss of the great support it receives from the NATO countries, especially in the claim of war on terrorism, so it will lose this support will be alongside of Russia in Syria only lose its influence in the rest of the Middle East countries.

How does the situation become if Turkey tries to intervene more in the affairs of Iraq and Syria in conjunction with the strong relations between the Arab countries and America?

Turkey has a plan to intervene in the Iraqi and Syrian affairs and is continuing to intervene and plans to carry out a military campaign within the territory of Iraq also by the Kurdistan region and Şengal, and will have plans in other areas will be future in Iran too, this is the Turkish scheme, which aims to reach it to achieve the dream of the Ottoman Empire, but the Turkish intervention in Iraqi affairs will receive a strong response from the Iraqi state, unlike Syria, given that Iran has a strong presence and hegemony in Iraq and will receive a response from these countries. Iraq is not Syria, because today Syria is in a weak position and the central government is nearing completion. It is known that the Russian presence in Iraq is not so strong, so if Turkey wanted to intervene in the Iraqi issue, it must have a relationship with other parties that have control over Iraq or it will risk to intervene in Iraqi affairs and may drag the region to long wars as it did in Syria.
There is information that the Turkish state will open a consulate in Damascus, and that the Syrian regime is satisfied or silent about the Turkish occupation of the Syrian territory and its division? Is it possible to say that

Turkey and the regime will restore the relationship despite the Turkish occupation of Syrian territory?

So far the Turkish state has a very negative role in Syria and it was the main supporter of the terrorist groups in Syria and entered through the border to the Syrian territory, and stood in the face of Assad regime and accused him of dictatorship and terrorism, and the Syrian regime also exchanged hostility. But if Turkey is currently seeking to open a consulate in Damascus, this means that all that the Turkish state has done is trading with the blood of the Syrians. The regime, in turn, offers facilities as a weak position that cannot resist and deter Turkish presence in Syria after the Russian alliance with Turkey. If this is accepted, this means that it will accept the Turkish presence and occupation in Syria and abandon what it claims to be the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian state.

What is the meaning of the Turkish threats against the Syrian north and can the Turkish state commit more violations in the Syrian north?

This is the goal of the Turkish occupation plan, but it is currently shocked at the American presence in the region and is trying to reach agreements similar to what it did with Russia in Afrin and this is difficult to achieve because The situation in Manbij and East Euphrates is not the situation of Afrin, which was besieged and will receive Turkey in addition to the direct confrontation with America and the Alliance resistance .