Austria calls for halt to Turkey's accession negotiations with EU

Austria Called on to stop Turkey's accession negotiations to European Union, and condemned the acts of aggression carried out by Turkey in Syria

Austria calls for halt to Turkey's accession negotiations with EU
26 March 2018   06:33

NEWS DESK- Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, condemned the Turkish acts of aggression in Syria, and called on European Union to stop negotiations with Turkey on its accession to European Union.

"Taking into account the systematic violation of Human Rights and fundamental values ​​of democracy, based on the fact that Copenhagen criteria (criteria for countries to join the EU) has not been implemented, accession negotiations between EU and Turkey must end," Kurtz said.

Kurtz pointed out that Turkey is a strategic partner of European Union, and must be dealt with within the framework of "concept of neighborhood."

Turkish occupation army with mercenary factions of the aggression against  the Syrian city Afrin since January 20, and committed a lot of massacres against civilians and lost about 500 civilians, children, women and elderly lives and wounded more than 1030 civilians.

Turkish aggression, led by a Russian green light, has forced to forcible displacement of more than 300,000 civilians amid international silence
