Afrin's people properties caused violent clashes between gangs

Violent clashes erupted between gangs of Ahrar al-Sharqiya and  gangs of al- Hamzah Brigade in al-Bab area belonging to Aleppo province and Afrin city due to disagreements between the gangs to steal Afrin 's people properties .

Afrin's people properties caused violent clashes between gangs
26 March 2018   06:53

News Center – Violent clashes erupted between gangs of Ahrar al-Sharqiya and  gangs of the al- Hamzah Brigade in the area  between al-Ra i and al-Amad hamlet belonging to al-Bab area in Aleppo province

According to local sources, the clashes that continue to have resulted in killing at least 10 and wounding a number of other elements of mercenaries from both sides, in addition to civilian casualties.

The clashes are still ongoing between the gangs according to local sources causing 10 elements have been killd  from both side in addition to civilian casualties.

Local sources said that similar clashes erupted between the same gangs in Afrin city also because of a dispute over the sharing of stolen Afrin 's peolpe properties , who  have been forced to leave their homes because of the shelling of the Turkish occupation army and its gangs to the region.
