Arab family migrated from Afrin: "We will return to our villages one day

An Arab family was forced to leave their homes and leave their property, as thousands of people of Afrin, after the bombing of Turkish aggression areas, and made them see the worst scenes they had never expected to see.

Arab family migrated from Afrin: "We will return to our villages one day
26 March 2018   06:20


AL-SHAHBA- The brutal attacks by Turkish occupation army forced hundreds of thousands of civilians in Afrin canton and its villages to leave their homes and go to al-Shahba canton to protect their lives and the lives of their children from massacres committed by Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries.

All people of Afrin and its components intended to al- Shahba canton and Sherawa district of Afrin. Among these families was the family of Siham Taleb, who had to endure the burden of moving in order to save their lives from shelling.

Siham Taleb from Ister village of Afrin canton from Arab component told said to our ANHA correspondent: "Because of the continuous bombardment by Turkish occupation planes and its mercenaries on our village we had to get out of our house. Then we went to Mariamin village of Shera district. Then we headed towards al-Shahba canton on foot until we were able to reach safer places.

Siham family, after they fled to Shrawa to escape the bombing and secure their lives, shells of Turkish occupation did not leave them to bomb the villages where they were in, and Siham said that Turkish army shelled Mariamin, Jelber, Aqiba, Deir jmal and Kafer Naya, so we had to get out of there too.

"Turkish aggression has made us see the ugliest scenes that we never expected to see from killing, destruction and displacement in our areas, and from the scenes I saw the bombing of Turkish aggression on the road of the convoy in al- Basouta village targeted a family, three children lost their lives.

Siham lives with her family now with 3 other families comprising about 40 people in one of al-Shahba canton village inside a shop free of household items.

"We spent long time to build a house and planted our land, so we can not easily leave it, and we do not accept the presence of  Turkish occupation on our pure land. We therefore call on International Community and Human Rights Organizations to put an end to Turkish air raids.

Siham ended her speech, saying, "Afrin was a destination for security and peace for Syrian people, we will get out Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries from Afrin canton as soon as possible and return to our homes.
