Kurdish Red Cresent is working hard in al-Shahba

The Kurdish Red Crescent in Afrin canton at al-Shahba district's villages is working hard to provide assidtance to the refugees people in the region  

Kurdish Red Cresent is working hard in al-Shahba
26 March 2018   06:18


AL-SHAHBA –  The Turkish occupation army and its gangs have been launching aggression attack on Afrin canton so the Kurdish Red Crescent is working hard around the clock for treatment civilians people through its medical points deployed in canton 's districts as well as to work diligently to meet their food needs.

After launching attack on Afrin canton 's villages and destruction the center of the Red Crescent in the city and its districts , was resumed their humanitarian work by providing assistance to the refugees who are working till the moment late hours between the refugees in all al-Shahba districts 's villages .

In its ongoing work, the Kurdish Red Crescent provides children's milk, health and food baskets, blankets, blankets and household items, as well as tours with mobile clinics throughout al-Shahba districts 's villages .

Hawar news agency(ANHA) interviewed with the Administrator to the Kurdish Red Crescent said " Afrin has been under attack since two months by the Turkish occupation army and its gangs using all kinds of weapons( Heavy and light ) , causing hundreds martyres and wounded between civilians .

All the medical points were destroyed so the the staff of the  kurdish Red Crescent are still working in al –Shahba canton 's villages and providing  assistence to the refugees,  who are preparing to open center in al-Shahba canton .

At the end of his speech, he called on humanitarian and relief organizations to provide emergency support to Afrin 's refugees as they are currently in the first place, stressing the need to send medicines and medical supplies to the people.
