HadyaYoussif:We have kept our people away from genocide , resistence will continue

The co-chair of the Constituent Council of North-Syria Federation Hadya Youssif said"We have removed our people from the massacres of the Turkish occupation state, but we have not withdrawn from Afrin".

HadyaYoussif:We have kept our people away from genocide , resistence will continue
26 March 2018   05:43


QAMISHLO –Hawar news agency (ANHA) held an interview with The co-chair of the Constituent Council of North-Syria Federation Hadya Youssifsaid "Afrin is witnessing the style of the "Guerilla" every palce where Turkey is located will be the target of military ooperation "

'Resistance against the schemes of the Turkish state'

Yuossif said that the resistance of Afrin turned into a historical resistance for North Syria and the world at large, adding, "Afrin 's people have shown and the fighters of the Poeople Protection Units (YPG) and Women Protection Units (YPJ) honorable resistance against the attacks of the Turkish occupation state and its  gangs and this resistance will continue The attitude and steadfastness of Afrin 's people against the attacks of the occupation The Turkish state revealed the reality of the relationship between the occupying state and the Russian state, and revealed the reality of international silence and international plans towards Afrin The Turkish state was planning to occupy Afrin and then work to change the demographics of the region, and make the region a new center and source of terrorists And to expand its influence by bringing strange people to the region. In the face of these schemes are still resisting Afrin since 65 days. "

Afrin 's people refused to surrender'

She also noted that the people of Afrin were living under a federal system and co-exsitence , and that the Turkish state has been occupying this system "Afrin 's people expressed their determination in the resistance when they said, 'This is our land and our soil. Erdogan will not be able to occupy it. We will continue the resistance against the Turkish occupation.'" "The people of Afrin did not surrender, and did not accept humiliation, but unfortunately, "NATO" member State mobilized all its forces and bombed Afrin aircraft, tanks and artillery and committed massacres of civilians killing hundreds of civilians, while the world has committed to silence all these massacres There are no positions. "

'Resistance Afrin showed the reality of the world'

Youssif also added "The resistance of Afrin has shown its support to the world public opinion and showed the reality of the Turkish state and the complicity of the countries of the world against the people of northern Syria, as well as the resistance of the Kurdish people."

'The people were saved from genocide'

Hadya youssif said that the Afrin 's people would have been subjected to a large massacre by the Turkish state if they were not removed from Afrin "The center of Afrin witnessed great resistance for 57 days, and with the arrival of fighting to the outskirts of the city, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the center of the city. In the face of the danger of genocide, Afrin has carried out its responsibilities and duties towards the resistance to a large extent, and with the departure of the people from the city of Afrin was blocked the road to a large massacre.

Afrin 's land will turn into a cemetery for Turkey'

Hadya Youssif also touched upon the military operations in the center of Afrin and said: "In Afrin the "Guerllia "war began, wherever Turkey is located will be the target of the military operations these operations will turn Afrin into a graveyard of the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries. The right of civilians and will continue this resistance as long as the Turkish state occupation of Afrin. "

'Countries of the world bear responsibility for the massacres'

"The massacres committed against civilians in Afrin are committed to the eyes of the countries of the world," Yousif said. "All the countries of the world bear responsibility for these massacres because they did not take a stand against the occupation of the Turkish state. Force from this silence and stepped up its brutal attacks on civilians. "

'International organizations did not provide any assistance to Afrin'

Hadya youssif  in her speech to the need to help Afrin 's people and made it clear that it did not provide any international organization till  now no support to help Afrin 's people and followed up by saying "The international organizations have not provided any assistance so far to the people of Afrin." The United Nations and humanitarian organizations have promised to provide assistance, but have not provided yet  assistance to Afrin's peope The people of Norht Syria have launched a fund-raising campaign to support Afrin 's people ".

'Turkish schemes illegal'

"With the aim of changing the demographics of Afrin, the Turkish state launched its attacks on civilians, using internationally prohibited weapons, artillery, tanks and warplanes, while bringing its mercenaries into the center of Afrin." "The Turkish government can not implement its occupation regime in Afrin, and the people of Afrin do not accept this, and in the face of these plans, our people continue to struggle and resist."

'Struggle and resistance continue'

The co-chair of the Constituent Council of North-Syria Federation Hadya Youssif ended her speech "We have kept our people away from massacres committed by the Turkish occupation state, but we have not withdrawn from Afrin and our struggle and resistance continue and continue."
