Fawza Youssef: We would defeat occupation sooner or later

Fawza Youssef called on Afrin people to not be swept along by the mercenaries' lies that they are spreading to deform the people's gains over the years of the revolution and she said, "Afrin is its people's, and we would defeat the occupation sooner or later."

Fawza Youssef: We would defeat occupation sooner or later
24 March 2018   06:20

AL-SHAHBA- During a meeting held in al-Shahba canton to explain the last developments that the area is going through, and where hundreds of people attended, the co-chair of the Executive Body of Democratic North-Syria Federation Fawza Youssef said, "The People Protection Units (YPG) and Women Protection Units (YPJ) are still in Afrin, and they are in an area using hit-and-run method against the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries who would change the demography of the area."

Fawza Youssef added, "We would not allow the Turkish to occupy our land, and as we triumphed in Kobani, we would triumph in Afrin too. We proved our resistance to the whole world."

Fawza Youssef continued, "We are the owner of this land, and people must be patient, we would return to our homes in the near future."

The co-chair of the Executive Body of Federation demanded the people to not be tempted behind the mercenaries' lies that they spread to deform Afrin people's gains over the years of the revolution."

Fawza Youssef concluded her speech saying, "Afrin is its people's, and we would not accept otherwise.

The meeting ended by chanting the slogans that salute Afrin resistance by the attendees.