Afrin's people denounce of international silence about crimes of Turkey against them

Afrin canton 's people criticized silent of the international society for the aggression and brutal practice of the Turkish occupation army and its gangs  against them , Hoping to liberate their areasand return to their homes soon .

Afrin's people denounce of international silence about crimes of Turkey against them
Afrin's people denounce of international silence about crimes of Turkey against them
Afrin's people denounce of international silence about crimes of Turkey against them
24 March 2018   05:42


AFRIN – Turkish occupation army and its gangs are still ongoing committing crimes against civilians people on Afrin and international  society is still keep silent , Hawar news agency (ANHA) held interviews with Afrin's civilians who have been forced to leave their homes went to al-Shabba canton expressed their indignation a bout the situation of  international society .

Jodat Dawood from Qurna village in Bulbul district  who has been forced to leave their homes and left behind their properties due to  the bombardment of the Turkish occupation army and its gangs on inhabited areas , denouncing immoral practices of the Turkish occupation and its gangs by looting their properties and raping their territory .

In her turn , Hanifa Abdo Sheikho  from Basla village in Sherawa district noted that the claims of the Turkish occupation army and its terrorist gangs of military operations to liberate civilians or the like were totally untrue and they saw what had happened on the ground from destruction .

"With this great age, we have been displaced from our homes, and now we live a difficult daily life full of suffering, displaced from place to place loss of our livelihoods and other necessities for sustaining life.

  Citizen Fatima Kanjo from Shia's district people " As a result of targeting the Turkish occupation army and its gangs terrorists to civilian homes, and during the past two months of their attacks, about 10 families were displaced and now we are displaced among the agricultural land and we have not know what is our fate yet".

Civilians criticized the silence of human rights organizations and international countries about what is happening in Afrin massacres and violations against the people of the region, demanding at the same time to break their silence and put an end to Turkey and its terrorist gangs and hold them accountable for the crimes they have committed against civilians.
