Wafaa Mostafa: Our potential does not meet Afrin refugees' needs

The co-chair of al-Shahba Canton Council Wafaa Mostafa said, "In spite of the little potential, we strived at insuring some supplies existed in our repositories and distributing them to Afrin displaced people, but they do not fulfill the need of the people, and we need urgent helps.

Wafaa Mostafa: Our potential does not meet Afrin refugees' needs
23 March 2018   10:24



AL-SHAHBA- The co-chair of al-Shahba Canton Council Wafaa Mostafa assured during a statement to ANHA agency that the situation of Afrin refugees who exited their homes because of the bombardment of the Turkish warplanes on Afrin canton and the massacres committed by them is worsening amid the little aids that may be provided to them. 

Wafaa Mostafa noted that since more than a week, Afrin canton's people have been displacing towards al-Shahba canton, and that they have received thousands of refugees, and al-Shahba Canton Council is working hard to provide them with helps according to the available possibilities, in addition to providing them with shelters and the necessary households; blankets, kitchen utensils, food, baby milk and medical materials.

Moreover, Wafaa Mostafa assured that their potential is limited and it cannot fulfil the needs of this huge number of refugees as each home of which have been insured includes several families; however, thousands of the refugees are still staying in the wilderness or in the vehicles.

Wafaa Mostafa pointed out that they, as al-Shahba Canton Council, are preparing a camp in Fafin area, but the possibilities are not enough because of the lack of the external support.

Wafaa added, "We allocated a number of water tanks to insure the water for Afrin people, and we provide the tanks' owners the fuel in exchange for their work to insure water daily. As for bread, we insure it through providing all the bakeries existed in al-Shahba canton with flour, and bread is being distributed to the people freely through the communes or the districts' council.

Wafaa pointed out that they are distributing the food existed in the repositories to the people by the communes and the councils too, but because of the huge number of the refugees, these materials have not been enough, and they are about to be ended.

While about the health status, Wafaa Mostafa pointed out that the medical centers in the canton are serving the refugees noting that there are two dispensaries in the canton and they are being supported as much as possible with medical staff that are existed in the canton, but they are suffering from the lack of medicine.

Wafaa Mostafa concluded her speech calling for the international organizations, the UNICEF and all the humanitarian associations to speed providing the people of Afrin with the urgent support, and to insure the necessary requirements for them.