Kurdish political parties: Antep's council is illegal, ENKS must determine its attitude towards Turkish aggression 

Kurdish political parties: Antep's council is illegal, ENKS must determine its attitude towards Turkish aggression 
22 March 2018   16:28

QAMISHLO- 16 Kurdish parties and coalitions announced that the council that emerged from the meeting held in Gaziantep under the auspices of ENKS and under the supervision of the Turkish intelligences is considered illegal council, and they demanded the parties of the Kurdish National Council to determine their attitude clearly towards the Turkish aggression and occupation.

The political parties released a statement to the general opinion after the council has been formed in Antep by Turkey to manage Afrin affairs.

The statement was read in Arabic by the co-chair of the Diplomatic Relations Committee in the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) in al-Jazeera canton Abdul Salam Ahmed, and in Kurdish by the secretary of the Kurdish Democratic Left Party in Syria Saleh Keddo in the meeting hall of TEV-DEM in Qamishlo city in al-Jazeera region  

The statement included:

"The Turkish aggression against Afrin city that started in January 20, 2018, and that ended by occupying the city and what came after that; killing operations, stealing, ruining the infrastructure and the private and public properties amid an international silence is condemned by our people.

The fateful stage which our Kurdish people are going through requires mobilizing energies and monitoring all the possibilities for the Kurdish unity. The Kurdish National Council must determine its position clearly towards the Turkish aggression and occupation in addition to the initiative to withdraw from the coalition that form a political covering of the military formations that are called the Free Army.

We also call for the Kurdish forces and parties to speed holding the Kurdish National Conference that is considered a public demand at these sensitive and fateful circumstances. We also announce that the council that emerged from Gaziantep meeting under the sponsor and the supervision of the Turkish intelligence is considered an illegal council, and we call for our people to make a mockery of those who make deals at the expense of our peoples' blood and pains.

We also call for the International Society and the humanitarian organizations to take their responsibilities and to interfere to force the Turkish state to stop its aggression and withdraw from Afrin and the Syrian occupied lands in addition to protecting the people and restoring the migrants to their homes, we also call for them to hold the Turkish commanders accountable and to prosecute them in front of the international criminal tribunals for committing the genocide crimes against the Kurdish people and for violating all the international laws.

We, the parties signed on this statement, condemn the Turkish occupation of Afrin, and we console the martyrs' families, and we hope the quick recovery to the wounded, and we assure on the insistence to dismiss the Turkish occupant and its mercenaries in addition to liberating Afrin from the occupation."

The parties signed on the statement are:

- Kurdish Future Movement
- Democratic Union Party
- Kurdistan Democratic Change Party
- Kurdistan Workers Union
- Kurdistan Renewal Movement
- The Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria (Party)
- Kurdish Left Party in Syria
- Kurdistan Communist Party
- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party
- The Kurdish Fraternity Party
- Kurdish Democratic Peace Party
- Kurdish National Assembly Party
- Kurdish Liberal Union
- Kurdish Democratic Left Party in Syria
- The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Accord Party
- Reform Movement in Syria
- Alliance with all parties