Al-Tabqa 's women returned to normal status gradually

Al-Tabqa 's women returned to normal status gradually
22 March 2018   08:05

AL_TABQA _ After years of darkness obscuring the role of women in society from all social and professional aspects, women in Mansoura are re-emerging to prove their role and prominence in society.

The women of al-Tabqa  city have suffered from brutal practice under domination IS gangs . that penetrated society under the name Islam .

After liberating al-Tabqa  city by SDF 's fighters the spirit returned to women and begun to play an activer role in all affairs of  society

Al-Mansours town is located east al-Tabqa city women took a step to contribute to building and engaging in society, taking the initiative to protect citizens at checkpoints to protect civilian citizens, where they have proven effective in all areas of social, political and military life.

Hawar news agency (ANHA) held an interview with the member of Internal Security Foreces in al-Mansoura  town , Amani Salibi described the situation of Women have become effective in all fields and now in participate in controlling the checkpoints not  only the man able to carry the gun and also woman can do that .

Salibi added "Our work is to control the checkpoints and conduct the affairs of civilians in order to protect the safety of citizens, especially women," Salibi said.

She concluded her speech with a message addressed to every woman, including an invitation to the women of the region urging them to join and contribute to the protection of the land and the people and the face of the aggressors, whatever their backgrounds.
