Aleppo’s Nowruz ends asserting escalation of struggle to liberate Afrin

People of Aleppo have congratulated the coming of Nowruz on all peoples of the Middle East and the Kurdish people vowing to escalate struggle with the soul of Nowruz to kick the Turkish occupant and its mercenaries out of Afrin territories.

Aleppo’s Nowruz ends asserting escalation of struggle to liberate Afrin
21 March 2018   14:00

ALEPPO- People of Aleppo have congratulated the coming of Nowruz on all peoples of the Middle East and the Kurdish people vowing to escalate struggle with the soul of Nowruz to kick the Turkish occupant and its mercenaries out of Afrin territories.

Since the early hours of the morning, hundreds of Aleppo’s people have headed to the western part of the Sheikh Maksoud neighborhood wearing their traditional Kurdish outfits, then they went on a demonstration through the neighborhood’s streets as flags of the People Protection Units, the Women Protection Units and pictures of the Kurdish people leader Abdullah Ocelan were held, slogans that saluted Afrin’s resistance were also chanted as they headed to the event’s scene in al-Shoqayf in Aleppo.

As people gathered, the events began with lighting the torch of Nowruz which is symbol of revolution and freedom, then many speeches were delivered by the Co-chair of the Northern Syria Democratic Federal Council Hadiya Yousef, Co-chair of Democratic Syrian Council (Aleppo’s Bureau), Muri al-Shibli, the administrator in Kongra Star Nahla Mustafa, and on behalf of the People Protection Units spoke the commander Farhad Kobani.

Most of the speeches congratulated the Middle East peoples in general and the Kurdish people in particular on the coming of Nowruz 2018, describing it as repetition of the legendary Kawa’s epic repetition against the despots and occupants through Afrin’s resistance.

The speeches also appealed of the tremendous sacrifices by the Syrian Demcoratic Forces, People Protection Units in the resistance of the age, expressing their solidarity with Afrin residents, asserting also on escalation with all ways to kick the Turkish occupant and its mercenaries out of Afrin territories.

Then, Jamil Horo Band for Culture and Art presented some revolutionary songs which glorified the resistance of Afrin, afterwards, the events ended with chanting slogans that vowed revenge for martyrs.